
Rebels For Fun QL TDM 2v2 Cup #1

3 October 2012, 1:45


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ID: 191

Event: Rebels For Fun QL TDM

Schedule: 29 September 2012, 20:00 - 29 September 2012, 22:15

Location: Internet


IRC channel: @

Game: Quake Live

Mode: Team Deathmatch 2v2

Cash prize pool: none

Progress: Single elimination bracket (7 teams)


Map pool (3)


there are no prizes

List of participating teams (7)

Undetermined rank

BqFBizzare Quad Fragers

00Sid00, Skr3LamScz

102deliberate murder

kook, Latrommi, starosta

/NT/Noble Team

Dom3r, ZontaXx


vanbka, vend1go

RBLSARebels (A)

Brejk, Karby

CZETeam Czech Republic

CraSh, debtor

v0Virtual Owners

Ewil, lalis


Single elimination bracket (open in new tab)

Round 1
(best of 3)
 Round 2
(best of 3)
 Round 3
(best of 3)


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free slot0

  match details 




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    match details 



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Match for third place (open in new tab)

(best of 3)
 3rd place


match details 




Final standings

TOP 10...

Biggest victories

Largest differences of points on the individual maps
P. Team #1   Team #2 Map Score Diff. Match
1 Virtual Owners vs. Bizzare Quad Fragers Almost Lost 94 : 0 +94 details
2 paapaa vs. Virtual Owners Blood Run 112 : 44 +68 details
3 deliberate murder vs. paapaa Almost Lost 116 : 57 +59 details
4 deliberate murder vs. Rebels (A) Almost Lost 60 : 10 +50 details
5 deliberate murder vs. Rebels (A) Blood Run 98 : 50 +48 details
6 Virtual Owners vs. Rebels (A) Almost Lost 54 : 94 +40 details
7 Noble Team vs. Rebels (A) Almost Lost 56 : 96 +40 details
8 deliberate murder vs. paapaa Campgrounds 84 : 52 +32 details
9 paapaa vs. Virtual Owners Campgrounds 75 : 49 +26 details
10 Team Czech Republic vs. paapaa Campgrounds 46 : 72 +26 details

Most equal matches

Smallest differences of points on the individual maps
P. Team #1   Team #2 Map Score Diff. Match
1 Virtual Owners vs. Rebels (A) Blood Run 45 : 55 +10 details
2 Noble Team vs. Rebels (A) Blood Run 41 : 54 +13 details
3 Team Czech Republic vs. paapaa Blood Run 59 : 73 +14 details
4 Virtual Owners vs. Bizzare Quad Fragers Blood Run 22 : 1 +21 details
5 Team Czech Republic vs. paapaa Campgrounds 46 : 72 +26 details
6 paapaa vs. Virtual Owners Campgrounds 75 : 49 +26 details
7 deliberate murder vs. paapaa Campgrounds 84 : 52 +32 details
8 Noble Team vs. Rebels (A) Almost Lost 56 : 96 +40 details
9 Virtual Owners vs. Rebels (A) Almost Lost 54 : 94 +40 details
10 deliberate murder vs. Rebels (A) Blood Run 98 : 50 +48 details



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The largest number of points

1Blood Run6654109,01121
2Almost Lost5637127,41160
The largest average number of points

1Almost Lost5637127,41160
3Blood Run6654109,01121

Teams (basic)

The largest number of points

2Rebels (A)635959,89610
3deliberate murder435889,511660
4Virtual Owners630851,39422
5Team Czech Republi...210552,55946
6Noble Team29748,55641
7Bizzare Quad Frage...210,510
The largest average number of points per map

1deliberate murder435889,511660
3Rebels (A)635959,89610
4Team Czech Republi...210552,55946
5Virtual Owners630851,39422
6Noble Team29748,55641
7Bizzare Quad Frage...210,510

Teams (advanced)

Number of played maps included in the statistics: 14/14 (100,0%)

Points and statisticsPoints and statistics (average)FragsFrags (average)

1 paapaa 6 441 455 425 30 86961 84083 2878 30 9 91
2 Rebels (A) 6 359 369 374 -5 75069 74697 372 17 6 61
3 deliberate murder 4 358 361 175 186 58611 42972 15639 25 7 81
4 Virtual Owners 6 308 320 361 -41 65219 65711 -492 17 5 59
5 Team Czech Republic 2 105 109 158 -49 25573 28480 -2907 6 2 24
6 Noble Team 2 97 103 160 -57 24733 30004 -5271 2 1 20
7 Bizzare Quad Fragers 2 1 6 120 -114 5413 15043 -9630 0 0 2
1 paapaa 6 73,5 75,8 70,8 5,0 14493,5 14013,8 479,7 5,0 1,5 15,2
2 Rebels (A) 6 59,8 61,5 62,3 -0,8 12511,5 12449,5 62,0 2,8 1,0 10,2
3 deliberate murder 4 89,5 90,2 43,8 46,5 14652,8 10743,0 3909,8 6,2 1,8 20,2
4 Virtual Owners 6 51,3 53,3 60,2 -6,8 10869,8 10951,8 -82,0 2,8 0,8 9,8
5 Team Czech Republic 2 52,5 54,5 79,0 -24,5 12786,5 14240,0 -1453,5 3,0 1,0 12,0
6 Noble Team 2 48,5 51,5 80,0 -28,5 12366,5 15002,0 -2635,5 1,0 0,5 10,0
7 Bizzare Quad Fragers 2 0,5 3,0 60,0 -57,0 2706,5 7521,5 -4815,0 0,0 0,0 1,0
1 paapaa692557111387010936
2 Rebels (A)6619246135907415
3 deliberate murder4792981147610117
4 Virtual Owners651831192837218
5 Team Czech Republic228423124317
6 Noble Team2176221332310
7 Bizzare Quad Fragers2--21----111
1 paapaa61,54,29,51,823,011,718,26,0
2 Rebels (A)61,03,24,01,022,515,012,32,5
3 deliberate murder41,82,27,22,028,519,025,24,2
4 Virtual Owners60,83,05,20,215,313,812,03,0
5 Team Czech Republic21,04,02,01,015,512,015,53,5
6 Noble Team20,53,53,01,010,516,511,55,0
7 Bizzare Quad Fragers2--1,00,5----0,50,50,5

Players (advanced)

Points and statisticsPoints and statistics (average)FragsFrags (average)

1 vend1go 6 222 230 217 13 45499 42339 3160 10 8 36
2 vanbka 6 219 225 208 17 41462 41744 -282 20 1 55
3 Brejk 6 204 209 196 13 43935 35837 8098 9 3 44
4 Ewil 6 159 163 175 -12 34012 33685 327 8 2 23
5 starosta 4 158 159 85 74 26526 20005 6521 8 1 26
6 Karby 6 155 160 178 -18 31134 38860 -7726 8 3 17
7 lalis 6 149 157 186 -29 31207 32026 -819 9 3 36
8 kook 2 114 115 55 60 19437 13713 5724 11 3 38
9 Latrommi 2 86 87 35 52 12648 9254 3394 6 3 17
10 debtor 2 66 68 71 -3 13694 14978 -1284 3 2 10
11 Dom3r 2 53 54 65 -11 12048 13094 -1046 0 0 16
12 ZontaXx 2 44 49 95 -46 12685 16910 -4225 2 1 4
13 CraSh 2 39 41 87 -46 11879 13502 -1623 3 0 14
14 Skr3LamScz 2 1 3 36 -33 2152 4706 -2554 0 0 2
15 00Sid00 2 0 3 84 -81 3261 10337 -7076 0 0 0
1 vend1go 6 37,0 38,3 36,2 2,2 7583,2 7056,5 526,7 1,7 1,3 6,0
2 vanbka 6 36,5 37,5 34,7 2,8 6910,3 6957,3 -47,0 3,3 0,2 9,2
3 Brejk 6 34,0 34,8 32,7 2,2 7322,5 5972,8 1349,7 1,5 0,5 7,3
4 Ewil 6 26,5 27,2 29,2 -2,0 5668,7 5614,2 54,5 1,3 0,3 3,8
5 starosta 4 39,5 39,8 21,2 18,5 6631,5 5001,2 1630,2 2,0 0,2 6,5
6 Karby 6 25,8 26,7 29,7 -3,0 5189,0 6476,7 -1287,7 1,3 0,5 2,8
7 lalis 6 24,8 26,2 31,0 -4,8 5201,2 5337,7 -136,5 1,5 0,5 6,0
8 kook 2 57,0 57,5 27,5 30,0 9718,5 6856,5 2862,0 5,5 1,5 19,0
9 Latrommi 2 43,0 43,5 17,5 26,0 6324,0 4627,0 1697,0 3,0 1,5 8,5
10 debtor 2 33,0 34,0 35,5 -1,5 6847,0 7489,0 -642,0 1,5 1,0 5,0
11 Dom3r 2 26,5 27,0 32,5 -5,5 6024,0 6547,0 -523,0 0,0 0,0 8,0
12 ZontaXx 2 22,0 24,5 47,5 -23,0 6342,5 8455,0 -2112,5 1,0 0,5 2,0
13 CraSh 2 19,5 20,5 43,5 -23,0 5939,5 6751,0 -811,5 1,5 0,0 7,0
14 Skr3LamScz 2 0,5 1,5 18,0 -16,5 1076,0 2353,0 -1277,0 0,0 0,0 1,0
15 00Sid00 2 0,0 1,5 42,0 -40,5 1630,5 5168,5 -3538,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
1 vend1go681028873384718
2 vanbka611529365326218
3 Brejk63131328037547
4 Ewil62928140452711
5 starosta41513243414212
6 Karby6361145553208
7 lalis6393--5238457
8 kook2311423920342
9 Latrommi233243215253
10 debtor2244--2116165
11 Dom3r2--3--21016185
12 ZontaXx2146--111755
13 CraSh2--4--2108152
14 Skr3LamScz2----1----11--
15 00Sid002--2----------1
1 vend1go61,31,74,71,312,26,37,83,0
2 vanbka60,22,54,80,510,85,310,33,0
3 Brejk60,52,22,20,313,36,29,01,2
4 Ewil60,31,54,70,26,77,54,51,8
5 starosta40,21,23,20,510,810,210,53,0
6 Karby60,51,01,80,79,28,83,31,3
7 lalis60,51,50,5--8,76,37,51,2
8 kook21,50,57,01,019,510,017,01,0
9 Latrommi21,51,51,02,016,07,512,51,5
10 debtor21,02,02,0--10,58,08,02,5
11 Dom3r2--1,5--1,05,08,09,02,5
12 ZontaXx20,52,03,0--5,58,52,52,5
13 CraSh2--2,0--1,05,04,07,51,0
14 Skr3LamScz2----0,5----0,50,5--
15 00Sid002--1,0----------0,5


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