
Impressive Gaming League TDM #2

17 March 2013, 3:18


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ID: 577

Event: Impressive Gaming League TDM

Schedule: 12 March 2012, 19:30 - 19 March 2012, 22:10

Location: Internet


IRC channel: #igl.ql @

Game: Quake Live

Mode: Team Deathmatch 4v4

Cash prize pool: none

Progress: Single elimination bracket (16 teams)


Map pool (7)


there are no prizes

List of participating teams (16)

Undetermined rank

aCt.aCtion Ligan

dash, feeder, nightops, ZLC

[bS]*Barrio Sesamo

DeRiSaS, eKiSs, MaJiNz, PaRaLyZeR, Sl4yer

coma!COver My Ass!

malaka, REDEMPTOR, sh4rpe, strenx, thek1ng

102deliberate murder

421, kook, Lexa, starosta

D9District 9

ChaKaL, krus, p0ni, sioux

HoQHouse of Quake

dark, handly, s7, williebobc

leLemmings Effect

brescia, chubz, kinko, spawnz


unknown list of players


Kujiwa, mdf, p1s, Przrg, rox


Alteza, Cerboz, gbnc, pecka


DiMiTrI, fl4sh, Rickmage, Zyrinx

skillzSkillz United Ukraine

bzd, Extreme, tripleSex, vend1go

[TE]Team Evolution

crv, dance, fearZZz, ta1kun

mamutTeam Mamut

deith, miso, oldsplatterhand, rav, Tony, Weird


unknown list of players


Damiah, frs, gerppa, Winz, wit


Single elimination bracket (open in new tab)

Round 1
(best of 3)
 Round 2
(best of 3)
 Round 3
(best of 3)
 Round 4
(best of 3)


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Match for third place (open in new tab)

(best of 3)
 3rd place


match details 




Final standings

TOP 10...

Biggest victories

Largest differences of points on the individual maps
P. Team #1   Team #2 Map Score Diff. Match
1 Barrio Sesamo vs. Team Mamut Dreadful Place 82 : 214 +132 details
2 aCtion Ligan vs. xentorium Deep Inside 58 : 161 +103 details
3 COver My Ass! vs. House of Quake Purgatory 215 : 126 +89 details
4 Skillz United Ukraine vs. Team Evolution Hidden Fortress 214 : 138 +76 details
5 Skillz United Ukraine vs. Team Evolution Dreadful Place 176 : 119 +57 details
6 COver My Ass! vs. House of Quake Grim Dungeons 141 : 88 +53 details
7 xentorium vs. Onfire Hidden Fortress 168 : 118 +50 details
8 xentorium vs. Onfire Deep Inside 88 : 38 +50 details
9 Barrio Sesamo vs. Team Mamut Intervention 103 : 147 +44 details
10 planB vs. Lemmings Effect Hidden Fortress 192 : 228 +36 details

Most equal matches

Smallest differences of points on the individual maps
P. Team #1   Team #2 Map Score Diff. Match
1 COver My Ass! vs. Team Mamut Purgatory 131 : 130 +1 details
2 Lemmings Effect vs. Team Mamut Purgatory 139 : 142 +3 details
3 aCtion Ligan vs. xentorium Hidden Fortress 191 : 185 +6 details
4 District 9 vs. sitto Hidden Fortress 179 : 187 +8 details
5 sitto vs. deliberate murder Realm of Steel Rats 161 : 169 +8 details
6 COver My Ass! vs. Skillz United Ukraine Hidden Fortress 197 : 189 +8 details
7 xentorium vs. Onfire Dreadful Place 130 : 139 +9 details
8 District 9 vs. sitto Dreadful Place 151 : 160 +9 details
9 xentorium vs. sitto Dreadful Place 152 : 140 +12 details
10 COver My Ass! vs. Team Mamut Dreadful Place 147 : 135 +12 details



no demos


no vods



The largest number of points

1Hidden Fortress93284364,9228118
2Dreadful Place92593288,121482
4Deep Inside4842210,516138
5Grim Dungeons3695231,714488
6Realm of Steel Rats1330330,0169161
The largest average number of points

1Hidden Fortress93284364,9228118
2Realm of Steel Rats1330330,0169161
4Dreadful Place92593288,121482
6Grim Dungeons3695231,714488
7Deep Inside4842210,516138

Teams (basic)

The largest number of points

3COver My Ass!91376152,9215114
4Team Mamut81244155,5214123
5Skillz United Ukra...5867173,4214144
6Lemmings Effect4695173,8228139
7deliberate murder3472157,3178125
9aCtion Ligan3338112,719158
10District 92330165,0179151
12Team Evolution2257128,5138119
13House of Quake2214107,012688
14Barrio Sesamo218592,510382
The largest average number of points per map

2Barrio Sesamo218592,510382
4Lemmings Effect4695173,8228139
5Skillz United Ukra...5867173,4214144
6District 92330165,0179151
8deliberate murder3472157,3178125
9Team Mamut81244155,5214123
10COver My Ass!91376152,9215114
12Team Evolution2257128,5138119
13aCtion Ligan3338112,719158
14House of Quake2214107,012688

Teams (advanced)

Number of played maps included in the statistics: 33/33 (100,0%)

Points and statisticsPoints and statistics (average)FragsFrags (average)

1 sitto 10 1614 1665 1639 26 311528 258071 53457 147 23 150
2 xentorium 11 1593 1637 1414 223 311749 238858 72891 114 21 239
3 COver My Ass! 9 1376 1448 1400 48 273194 228721 44473 107 45 144
4 Team Mamut 8 1244 1284 1152 132 237909 197104 40805 96 16 162
5 Skillz United Ukraine 5 867 904 823 81 170134 130150 39984 74 49 131
6 Lemmings Effect 4 695 714 716 -2 132071 110615 21456 59 18 67
7 deliberate murder 3 472 488 529 -41 88115 82168 5947 41 22 41
8 planB 2 353 364 432 -68 64925 64385 540 24 5 40
9 aCtion Ligan 3 338 351 486 -135 71650 72328 -678 21 16 34
10 District 9 2 330 341 373 -32 62582 57527 5055 21 12 43
11 Onfire 3 295 303 400 -97 61103 61632 -529 12 6 40
12 Team Evolution 2 257 270 416 -146 53351 59569 -6218 12 20 19
13 House of Quake 2 214 175 394 -219 35643 42963 -7320 16 10 31
14 Barrio Sesamo 2 185 187 371 -184 44490 53828 -9338 10 5 23
1 sitto 10 161,4 166,5 163,9 2,6 31152,8 25807,1 5345,7 14,7 2,3 15,0
2 xentorium 11 144,8 148,8 128,5 20,3 28340,8 21714,4 6626,5 10,4 1,9 21,7
3 COver My Ass! 9 152,9 160,9 155,6 5,3 30354,9 25413,4 4941,4 11,9 5,0 16,0
4 Team Mamut 8 155,5 160,5 144,0 16,5 29738,6 24638,0 5100,6 12,0 2,0 20,2
5 Skillz United Ukraine 5 173,4 180,8 164,6 16,2 34026,8 26030,0 7996,8 14,8 9,8 26,2
6 Lemmings Effect 4 173,8 178,5 179,0 -0,5 33017,8 27653,8 5364,0 14,8 4,5 16,8
7 deliberate murder 3 157,3 162,7 176,3 -13,7 29371,7 27389,3 1982,3 13,7 7,3 13,7
8 planB 2 176,5 182,0 216,0 -34,0 32462,5 32192,5 270,0 12,0 2,5 20,0
9 aCtion Ligan 3 112,7 117,0 162,0 -45,0 23883,3 24109,3 -226,0 7,0 5,3 11,3
10 District 9 2 165,0 170,5 186,5 -16,0 31291,0 28763,5 2527,5 10,5 6,0 21,5
11 Onfire 3 98,3 101,0 133,3 -32,3 20367,7 20544,0 -176,3 4,0 2,0 13,3
12 Team Evolution 2 128,5 135,0 208,0 -73,0 26675,5 29784,5 -3109,0 6,0 10,0 9,5
13 House of Quake 2 107,0 87,5 197,0 -109,5 17821,5 21481,5 -3660,0 8,0 5,0 15,5
14 Barrio Sesamo 2 92,5 93,5 185,5 -92,0 22245,0 26914,0 -4669,0 5,0 2,5 11,5
1 sitto10232744002842022919695
2 xentorium11212183271738231527779
3 COver My Ass!9451912932627437318856
4 Team Mamut8161993222221122421377
5 Skillz United Ukraine5491211931613618417628
6 Lemmings Effect418135130121421429045
7 deliberate murder322801005821104742
8 planB2577101647694217
9 aCtion Ligan3166357662894513
10 District 92125098447485031
11 Onfire364567564494521
12 Team Evolution2205670440312326
13 House of Quake210413364652397
14 Barrio Sesamo253839325382118
1 sitto102,327,440,02,842,022,919,69,5
2 xentorium111,919,829,71,534,728,625,27,2
3 COver My Ass!95,021,232,62,930,441,420,96,2
4 Team Mamut82,024,940,22,826,428,026,69,6
5 Skillz United Ukraine59,824,238,63,227,236,835,25,6
6 Lemmings Effect44,533,832,53,035,535,522,511,2
7 deliberate murder37,326,733,31,727,336,715,714,0
8 planB22,538,550,53,023,534,521,08,5
9 aCtion Ligan35,321,019,02,020,729,715,04,3
10 District 926,025,049,02,023,524,025,015,5
11 Onfire32,015,022,31,721,316,315,07,0
12 Team Evolution210,028,035,02,020,015,511,513,0
13 House of Quake25,020,516,53,023,026,019,53,5
14 Barrio Sesamo22,519,019,51,512,519,010,59,0

Players (advanced)

Points and statisticsPoints and statistics (average)FragsFrags (average)

1 Zyrinx 10 493 505 408 97 96083 68143 27940 53 12 92
2 Winz 11 487 495 388 107 90828 67207 23621 49 4 70
3 gerppa 11 428 440 295 145 86205 56031 30174 28 4 47
4 DiMiTrI 10 379 393 476 -83 75014 72571 2443 35 1 13
5 fl4sh 10 378 387 385 2 73123 60639 12484 33 5 12
6 Rickmage 10 364 380 370 10 67308 56718 10590 26 5 33
7 thek1ng 9 346 368 365 3 66935 58391 8544 29 15 32
8 sh4rpe 8 345 354 303 51 62709 53558 9151 21 8 28
9 malaka 9 330 354 331 23 69259 56109 13150 34 11 45
10 REDEMPTOR 9 316 333 375 -42 67539 55316 12223 22 11 35
11 frs 10 296 307 379 -72 58580 57978 602 15 10 43
12 rav 8 296 305 287 18 57781 48391 9390 21 2 40
13 miso 6 282 285 187 98 49432 36656 12776 21 2 26
14 wit 8 274 284 237 47 52944 39049 13895 17 3 59
15 vend1go 5 251 259 210 49 45664 34309 11355 26 20 30
16 Tony 6 248 258 231 27 43795 38971 4824 18 6 19
17 Extreme 5 221 232 202 30 42603 31098 11505 16 9 37
18 tripleSex 5 220 233 240 -7 45237 36371 8866 21 15 26
19 oldsplatterhand 6 201 209 229 -20 41524 37880 3644 19 5 19
20 kinko 4 199 202 177 25 36060 28193 7867 18 10 28
21 bzd 5 175 180 171 9 36630 28372 8258 11 5 38
22 chubz 4 174 180 211 -31 32887 29744 3143 12 4 22
23 spawnz 4 170 175 166 9 33794 26411 7383 16 2 5
24 brescia 4 152 157 162 -5 29330 26267 3063 13 2 12
25 deith 4 147 157 129 28 31490 21751 9739 10 0 43
26 kook 3 142 146 113 33 25528 20312 5216 14 6 12
27 421 3 123 128 128 0 21547 19625 1922 13 4 7
28 Damiah 4 108 111 115 -4 23192 18593 4599 5 0 20
29 Lexa 3 106 111 146 -35 19987 22449 -2462 8 6 8
30 ZLC 3 105 109 124 -15 21403 19218 2185 8 2 16
31 starosta 3 101 103 142 -39 21053 19782 1271 6 6 14
32 gbnc 2 99 102 100 2 16560 15749 811 7 3 7
33 Alteza 2 97 99 108 -9 18040 15878 2162 6 0 10
34 p0ni 2 95 96 90 6 16586 15013 1573 6 3 9
35 pecka 2 89 91 113 -22 15766 16344 -578 11 0 9
36 ChaKaL 2 85 91 101 -10 16033 16225 -192 8 4 9
37 dash 3 85 88 131 -43 17029 19385 -2356 6 7 7
38 krus 2 80 81 104 -23 16093 14260 1833 3 3 12
39 feeder 3 79 79 110 -31 15892 14987 905 2 4 6
40 Przrg 3 78 81 106 -25 18364 16353 2011 5 1 23
41 rox 3 77 82 99 -17 14556 14089 467 3 1 3
42 dance 2 73 77 97 -20 12962 13865 -903 2 6 3
43 crv 2 71 72 117 -45 13071 16941 -3870 5 7 1
44 sioux 2 70 73 78 -5 13870 12029 1841 4 2 13
45 Weird 2 70 70 89 -19 13887 13455 432 7 1 15
46 nightops 3 69 75 121 -46 17326 18738 -1412 5 3 5
47 p1s 3 69 69 99 -30 13658 15778 -2120 1 2 4
48 Cerboz 2 68 72 111 -39 14559 16414 -1855 0 2 14
49 eKiSs 2 61 61 92 -31 13842 13835 7 3 4 5
50 fearZZz 2 58 63 96 -33 14168 14587 -419 3 7 9
51 s7 2 55 61 96 -35 12481 14360 -1879 4 2 13
52 ta1kun 2 55 58 106 -48 13150 14176 -1026 2 0 6
53 williebobc 2 54 60 102 -42 12311 14559 -2248 6 1 3
54 DeRiSaS 2 49 50 84 -34 9913 12895 -2982 4 0 8
55 handly 2 49 54 93 -39 10851 14044 -3193 1 1 2
56 PaRaLyZeR 2 44 45 92 -47 11521 13635 -2114 3 0 7
57 strenx 1 39 39 26 13 6752 5347 1405 1 0 4
58 Kujiwa 2 37 37 63 -26 8025 9313 -1288 1 2 3
59 mdf 1 34 34 33 1 6500 6099 401 2 0 7
60 MaJiNz 1 17 17 42 -25 4456 5464 -1008 0 0 2
61 Sl4yer 1 14 14 61 -47 4758 7999 -3241 0 1 1
1 Zyrinx 10 49,3 50,5 40,8 9,7 9608,3 6814,3 2794,0 5,3 1,2 9,2
2 Winz 11 44,3 45,0 35,3 9,7 8257,1 6109,7 2147,4 4,5 0,4 6,4
3 gerppa 11 38,9 40,0 26,8 13,2 7836,8 5093,7 2743,1 2,5 0,4 4,3
4 DiMiTrI 10 37,9 39,3 47,6 -8,3 7501,4 7257,1 244,3 3,5 0,1 1,3
5 fl4sh 10 37,8 38,7 38,5 0,2 7312,3 6063,9 1248,4 3,3 0,5 1,2
6 Rickmage 10 36,4 38,0 37,0 1,0 6730,8 5671,8 1059,0 2,6 0,5 3,3
7 thek1ng 9 38,4 40,9 40,6 0,3 7437,2 6487,9 949,3 3,2 1,7 3,6
8 sh4rpe 8 43,1 44,2 37,9 6,4 7838,6 6694,8 1143,9 2,6 1,0 3,5
9 malaka 9 36,7 39,3 36,8 2,6 7695,4 6234,3 1461,1 3,8 1,2 5,0
10 REDEMPTOR 9 35,1 37,0 41,7 -4,7 7504,3 6146,2 1358,1 2,4 1,2 3,9
11 frs 10 29,6 30,7 37,9 -7,2 5858,0 5797,8 60,2 1,5 1,0 4,3
12 rav 8 37,0 38,1 35,9 2,2 7222,6 6048,9 1173,8 2,6 0,2 5,0
13 miso 6 47,0 47,5 31,2 16,3 8238,7 6109,3 2129,3 3,5 0,3 4,3
14 wit 8 34,2 35,5 29,6 5,9 6618,0 4881,1 1736,9 2,1 0,4 7,4
15 vend1go 5 50,2 51,8 42,0 9,8 9132,8 6861,8 2271,0 5,2 4,0 6,0
16 Tony 6 41,3 43,0 38,5 4,5 7299,2 6495,2 804,0 3,0 1,0 3,2
17 Extreme 5 44,2 46,4 40,4 6,0 8520,6 6219,6 2301,0 3,2 1,8 7,4
18 tripleSex 5 44,0 46,6 48,0 -1,4 9047,4 7274,2 1773,2 4,2 3,0 5,2
19 oldsplatterhand 6 33,5 34,8 38,2 -3,3 6920,7 6313,3 607,3 3,2 0,8 3,2
20 kinko 4 49,8 50,5 44,2 6,2 9015,0 7048,2 1966,8 4,5 2,5 7,0
21 bzd 5 35,0 36,0 34,2 1,8 7326,0 5674,4 1651,6 2,2 1,0 7,6
22 chubz 4 43,5 45,0 52,8 -7,8 8221,8 7436,0 785,8 3,0 1,0 5,5
23 spawnz 4 42,5 43,8 41,5 2,2 8448,5 6602,8 1845,8 4,0 0,5 1,2
24 brescia 4 38,0 39,2 40,5 -1,2 7332,5 6566,8 765,8 3,2 0,5 3,0
25 deith 4 36,8 39,2 32,2 7,0 7872,5 5437,8 2434,8 2,5 0,0 10,8
26 kook 3 47,3 48,7 37,7 11,0 8509,3 6770,7 1738,7 4,7 2,0 4,0
27 421 3 41,0 42,7 42,7 0,0 7182,3 6541,7 640,7 4,3 1,3 2,3
28 Damiah 4 27,0 27,8 28,8 -1,0 5798,0 4648,2 1149,8 1,2 0,0 5,0
29 Lexa 3 35,3 37,0 48,7 -11,7 6662,3 7483,0 -820,7 2,7 2,0 2,7
30 ZLC 3 35,0 36,3 41,3 -5,0 7134,3 6406,0 728,3 2,7 0,7 5,3
31 starosta 3 33,7 34,3 47,3 -13,0 7017,7 6594,0 423,7 2,0 2,0 4,7
32 gbnc 2 49,5 51,0 50,0 1,0 8280,0 7874,5 405,5 3,5 1,5 3,5
33 Alteza 2 48,5 49,5 54,0 -4,5 9020,0 7939,0 1081,0 3,0 0,0 5,0
34 p0ni 2 47,5 48,0 45,0 3,0 8293,0 7506,5 786,5 3,0 1,5 4,5
35 pecka 2 44,5 45,5 56,5 -11,0 7883,0 8172,0 -289,0 5,5 0,0 4,5
36 ChaKaL 2 42,5 45,5 50,5 -5,0 8016,5 8112,5 -96,0 4,0 2,0 4,5
37 dash 3 28,3 29,3 43,7 -14,3 5676,3 6461,7 -785,3 2,0 2,3 2,3
38 krus 2 40,0 40,5 52,0 -11,5 8046,5 7130,0 916,5 1,5 1,5 6,0
39 feeder 3 26,3 26,3 36,7 -10,3 5297,3 4995,7 301,7 0,7 1,3 2,0
40 Przrg 3 26,0 27,0 35,3 -8,3 6121,3 5451,0 670,3 1,7 0,3 7,7
41 rox 3 25,7 27,3 33,0 -5,7 4852,0 4696,3 155,7 1,0 0,3 1,0
42 dance 2 36,5 38,5 48,5 -10,0 6481,0 6932,5 -451,5 1,0 3,0 1,5
43 crv 2 35,5 36,0 58,5 -22,5 6535,5 8470,5 -1935,0 2,5 3,5 0,5
44 sioux 2 35,0 36,5 39,0 -2,5 6935,0 6014,5 920,5 2,0 1,0 6,5
45 Weird 2 35,0 35,0 44,5 -9,5 6943,5 6727,5 216,0 3,5 0,5 7,5
46 nightops 3 23,0 25,0 40,3 -15,3 5775,3 6246,0 -470,7 1,7 1,0 1,7
47 p1s 3 23,0 23,0 33,0 -10,0 4552,7 5259,3 -706,7 0,3 0,7 1,3
48 Cerboz 2 34,0 36,0 55,5 -19,5 7279,5 8207,0 -927,5 0,0 1,0 7,0
49 eKiSs 2 30,5 30,5 46,0 -15,5 6921,0 6917,5 3,5 1,5 2,0 2,5
50 fearZZz 2 29,0 31,5 48,0 -16,5 7084,0 7293,5 -209,5 1,5 3,5 4,5
51 s7 2 27,5 30,5 48,0 -17,5 6240,5 7180,0 -939,5 2,0 1,0 6,5
52 ta1kun 2 27,5 29,0 53,0 -24,0 6575,0 7088,0 -513,0 1,0 0,0 3,0
53 williebobc 2 27,0 30,0 51,0 -21,0 6155,5 7279,5 -1124,0 3,0 0,5 1,5
54 DeRiSaS 2 24,5 25,0 42,0 -17,0 4956,5 6447,5 -1491,0 2,0 0,0 4,0
55 handly 2 24,5 27,0 46,5 -19,5 5425,5 7022,0 -1596,5 0,5 0,5 1,0
56 PaRaLyZeR 2 22,0 22,5 46,0 -23,5 5760,5 6817,5 -1057,0 1,5 0,0 3,5
57 strenx 1 39,0 39,0 26,0 13,0 6752,0 5347,0 1405,0 1,0 0,0 4,0
58 Kujiwa 2 18,5 18,5 31,5 -13,0 4012,5 4656,5 -644,0 0,5 1,0 1,5
59 mdf 1 34,0 34,0 33,0 1,0 6500,0 6099,0 401,0 2,0 0,0 7,0
60 MaJiNz 1 17,0 17,0 42,0 -25,0 4456,0 5464,0 -1008,0 0,0 0,0 2,0
61 Sl4yer 1 14,0 14,0 61,0 -47,0 4758,0 7999,0 -3241,0 0,0 1,0 1,0
1 Zyrinx10126096121068310630
2 Winz114791001122948113
3 gerppa11437754155944922
4 DiMiTrI10174104114048169
5 fl4sh10569803138432326
6 Rickmage105711201236555130
7 thek1ng9154676376884320
8 sh4rpe884872--88923411
9 malaka91153651265776011
10 REDEMPTOR911377811261114613
11 frs10105365741485726
12 rav824690234645215
13 miso624261177474114
14 wit833463245576911
15 vend1go520306975431417
16 Tony665168346363117
17 Extreme593233127744610
18 tripleSex515394663946338
19 oldsplatterhand653566123424249
20 kinko4104043329333212
21 bzd55204521633563
22 chubz444230617392319
23 spawnz423321--584795
24 brescia42203633823269
25 deith4--1430--11414912
26 kook3652934340128
27 42134303421127911
28 Damiah4--152431922217
29 Lexa362416--1528616
30 ZLC32191332332161
31 starosta362121--1315207
32 gbnc2319304151885
33 Alteza2--203111811144
34 p0ni231429--201569
35 pecka2--17261112196
36 ChaKaL241035--8111211
37 dash3712251621124
38 krus2317142417195
39 feeder341914--122163
40 Przrg3115193146221
41 rox3111141152379
42 dance2614143171139
43 crv271818--11936
44 sioux229202155136
45 Weird2111749121610
46 nightops3313522115115
47 p1s327181171338
48 Cerboz222114--319112
49 eKiSs24151616865
50 fearZZz271124144102
51 s722155--91218--
52 ta1kun2--1314--8779
53 williebobc21751221374
54 DeRiSaS2--1013211455
55 handly21121619132--
56 PaRaLyZeR2--55--61865
57 strenx1--72--19551
58 Kujiwa22612--6632
59 mdf1--64--121101
60 MaJiNz1--34--2431
61 Sl4yer1151----412
1 Zyrinx101,26,09,61,210,68,310,63,0
2 Winz110,47,29,10,111,18,57,41,2
3 gerppa110,43,46,80,414,18,54,52,0
4 DiMiTrI100,17,410,40,114,04,81,60,9
5 fl4sh100,56,98,00,313,84,32,32,6
6 Rickmage100,57,112,01,23,65,55,13,0
7 thek1ng91,75,18,40,38,49,84,82,2
8 sh4rpe81,06,09,0--11,011,54,21,4
9 malaka91,25,97,21,37,28,66,71,2
10 REDEMPTOR91,24,18,71,22,912,35,11,4
11 frs101,05,36,50,74,14,85,72,6
12 rav80,25,811,20,24,28,06,51,9
13 miso60,37,010,20,212,87,86,82,3
14 wit80,44,27,90,25,67,18,61,4
15 vend1go54,06,013,81,410,86,28,21,4
16 Tony61,08,511,30,57,76,05,22,8
17 Extreme51,86,46,60,25,414,89,22,0
18 tripleSex53,07,89,21,27,89,26,61,6
19 oldsplatterhand60,85,811,02,05,74,04,01,5
20 kinko42,510,010,80,87,28,28,03,0
21 bzd51,04,09,00,43,26,611,20,6
22 chubz41,010,57,51,54,29,85,84,8
23 spawnz40,58,25,2--14,511,82,21,2
24 brescia40,55,09,00,89,55,86,52,2
25 deith4--3,57,5--2,810,212,23,0
26 kook32,01,79,71,014,313,34,02,7
27 42131,310,011,30,73,79,03,03,7
28 Damiah4--3,86,00,84,85,55,21,8
29 Lexa32,08,05,3--5,09,32,05,3
30 ZLC30,76,34,31,07,710,75,30,3
31 starosta32,07,07,0--4,35,06,72,3
32 gbnc21,59,515,02,07,59,04,02,5
33 Alteza2--10,015,50,59,05,57,02,0
34 p0ni21,57,014,5--10,07,53,04,5
35 pecka2--8,513,00,55,510,54,53,0
36 ChaKaL22,05,017,5--4,05,56,05,5
37 dash32,34,08,30,32,07,04,01,3
38 krus21,58,57,01,02,08,59,52,5
39 feeder31,36,34,7--4,07,02,01,0
40 Przrg30,35,06,31,04,72,07,30,3
41 rox30,33,74,70,35,07,72,33,0
42 dance23,07,07,01,58,55,51,54,5
43 crv23,59,09,0--5,54,51,53,0
44 sioux21,04,510,01,07,52,56,53,0
45 Weird20,55,53,52,04,56,08,05,0
46 nightops31,04,31,70,77,05,03,71,7
47 p1s30,72,36,00,35,74,31,02,7
48 Cerboz21,010,57,0--1,59,55,51,0
49 eKiSs22,07,58,00,53,04,03,02,5
50 fearZZz23,55,512,00,52,02,05,01,0
51 s721,07,52,5--4,56,09,0--
52 ta1kun2--6,57,0--4,03,53,54,5
53 williebobc20,53,52,50,511,06,53,52,0
54 DeRiSaS2--5,06,51,05,52,02,52,5
55 handly20,56,08,00,54,56,51,0--
56 PaRaLyZeR2--2,52,5--3,09,03,02,5
57 strenx1--7,02,0--19,05,05,01,0
58 Kujiwa21,03,06,0--3,03,01,51,0
59 mdf1--6,04,0--12,01,010,01,0
60 MaJiNz1--3,04,0--2,04,03,01,0
61 Sl4yer11,05,01,0----4,01,02,0


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