
Impressive Gaming League TDM #5

1 June 2013, 23:27


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ID: 685

Event: Impressive Gaming League TDM

Schedule: 4 June 2012, 20:00 - 4 June 2012, 23:45

Location: Internet


IRC channel: #igl.ql @

Game: Quake Live

Mode: Team Deathmatch 4v4

Cash prize pool: none

Progress: Single elimination bracket (8 teams)


Map pool (7)


there are no prizes

List of participating teams (8)

Undetermined rank

adkadivines killerz

aKm, lanf3ust, thek1ng, Zulu4

102deliberate murder

421, kook, Lexa, starosta


alfaomega, Av3k, nhsb, x1ks

D9District 9

A1pert, ChaKaL, ka1ne, krus, unity

c]:-)Gentlemen Club

Freeman, Insan3, n0ns, T1E, twister

leLemmings Effect

unknown list of players


a1r_r41d, kurv3n, mdf, Przrg


Alteza, Cerboz, gbnc, h8m3


Single elimination bracket (open in new tab)

Round 1
(best of 3)
 Round 2
(best of 3)
 Round 3
(best of 3)


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  match details 




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    match details 



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  match details 




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Match for third place (open in new tab)

(best of 3)
 3rd place


match details 




Final standings

TOP 10...

Biggest victories

Largest differences of points on the individual maps
P. Team #1   Team #2 Map Score Diff. Match
1 District 9 vs. adivines killerz Hidden Fortress 230 : 145 +85 details
2 District 9 vs. adivines killerz Dreadful Place 177 : 116 +61 details
3 Onfire vs. dioxide Dreadful Place 99 : 159 +60 details
4 District 9 vs. dioxide Hidden Fortress 174 : 220 +46 details
5 Gentlemen Club vs. deliberate murder Dreadful Place 136 : 170 +34 details
6 deliberate murder vs. dioxide Grim Dungeons 104 : 132 +28 details
7 deliberate murder vs. dioxide Deep Inside 97 : 124 +27 details
8 Onfire vs. dioxide Grim Dungeons 129 : 155 +26 details
9 District 9 vs. dioxide Grim Dungeons 106 : 125 +19 details
10 Gentlemen Club vs. deliberate murder Purgatory 126 : 145 +19 details

Most equal matches

Smallest differences of points on the individual maps
P. Team #1   Team #2 Map Score Diff. Match
1 Gentlemen Club vs. planB Hidden Fortress 210 : 215 +5 details
2 Gentlemen Club vs. planB Dreadful Place 181 : 170 +11 details
3 Gentlemen Club vs. planB Purgatory 156 : 144 +12 details
4 Gentlemen Club vs. deliberate murder Purgatory 126 : 145 +19 details
5 District 9 vs. dioxide Grim Dungeons 106 : 125 +19 details
6 Onfire vs. dioxide Grim Dungeons 129 : 155 +26 details
7 deliberate murder vs. dioxide Deep Inside 97 : 124 +27 details
8 deliberate murder vs. dioxide Grim Dungeons 104 : 132 +28 details
9 Gentlemen Club vs. deliberate murder Dreadful Place 136 : 170 +34 details
10 District 9 vs. dioxide Hidden Fortress 174 : 220 +46 details



no demos


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The largest number of points

1Dreadful Place41208302,018199
2Hidden Fortress31194398,0230145
3Grim Dungeons3751250,3155104
5Deep Inside1221221,012497
The largest average number of points

1Hidden Fortress31194398,0230145
2Dreadful Place41208302,018199
4Grim Dungeons3751250,3155104
5Deep Inside1221221,012497

Teams (basic)

The largest number of points

2Gentlemen Club5809161,8210126
3District 94687171,8230106
5deliberate murder4516129,017097
6adivines killerz2261130,5145116
The largest average number of points per map

2District 94687171,8230106
3Gentlemen Club5809161,8210126
5adivines killerz2261130,5145116
6deliberate murder4516129,017097

Teams (advanced)

Number of played maps included in the statistics: 13/13 (100,0%)

Points and statisticsPoints and statistics (average)FragsFrags (average)

1 dioxide 6 915 955 799 156 156129 130467 25662 82 18 130
2 Gentlemen Club 5 809 838 913 -75 142111 138970 3141 57 32 95
3 District 9 4 687 715 668 47 113038 106993 6045 64 26 110
4 planB 3 529 550 581 -31 87047 89617 -2570 57 21 48
5 deliberate murder 4 516 551 581 -30 93021 96422 -3401 38 17 79
6 adivines killerz 2 261 275 433 -158 49158 61925 -12767 19 9 23
7 Onfire 2 228 246 340 -94 41650 52191 -10541 12 4 27
1 dioxide 6 152,5 159,2 133,2 26,0 26021,5 21744,5 4277,0 13,7 3,0 21,7
2 Gentlemen Club 5 161,8 167,6 182,6 -15,0 28422,2 27794,0 628,2 11,4 6,4 19,0
3 District 9 4 171,8 178,8 167,0 11,8 28259,5 26748,2 1511,2 16,0 6,5 27,5
4 planB 3 176,3 183,3 193,7 -10,3 29015,7 29872,3 -856,7 19,0 7,0 16,0
5 deliberate murder 4 129,0 137,8 145,2 -7,5 23255,2 24105,5 -850,2 9,5 4,2 19,8
6 adivines killerz 2 130,5 137,5 216,5 -79,0 24579,0 30962,5 -6383,5 9,5 4,5 11,5
7 Onfire 2 114,0 123,0 170,0 -47,0 20825,0 26095,5 -5270,5 6,0 2,0 13,5
1 dioxide618153164719721418121
2 Gentlemen Club5321532021212615810352
3 District 9426114174610811614130
4 planB3211021291197827731
5 deliberate murder4179211814921198415
6 adivines killerz296255144523714
7 Onfire24394735557374
1 dioxide63,025,527,31,232,835,730,23,5
2 Gentlemen Club56,430,640,42,425,231,620,610,4
3 District 946,528,543,51,527,029,035,27,5
4 planB37,034,043,03,732,327,325,710,3
5 deliberate murder44,223,029,53,523,029,821,03,8
6 adivines killerz24,531,027,50,522,026,018,57,0
7 Onfire22,019,523,51,527,528,518,52,0

Players (advanced)

Points and statisticsPoints and statistics (average)FragsFrags (average)

1 Av3k 6 247 254 210 44 45962 35408 10554 30 3 56
2 x1ks 6 244 251 214 37 40853 34415 6438 16 3 17
3 nhsb 6 243 255 200 55 35388 31501 3887 22 11 16
4 Freeman 5 235 241 238 3 36931 36305 626 22 13 32
5 krus 4 211 215 173 42 31875 27312 4563 25 9 55
6 n0ns 5 210 217 226 -9 38905 35503 3402 15 9 28
7 twister 5 189 198 224 -26 35125 34903 222 5 9 22
8 alfaomega 6 181 195 175 20 33926 29143 4783 14 1 41
9 ChaKaL 4 173 183 176 7 29314 28334 980 18 7 15
10 A1pert 4 144 151 172 -21 24882 26519 -1637 10 3 21
11 starosta 4 143 150 157 -7 21844 24214 -2370 8 4 16
12 Lexa 4 142 150 146 4 25458 24287 1171 9 9 33
13 h8m3 3 136 142 150 -8 22063 22458 -395 18 8 4
14 Alteza 3 133 138 143 -5 21722 22234 -512 17 2 20
15 Cerboz 3 132 135 156 -21 23373 23045 328 12 7 14
16 gbnc 3 128 135 132 3 19889 21880 -1991 10 4 10
17 421 4 123 132 137 -5 22712 23375 -663 11 2 5
18 Insan3 3 116 120 151 -31 19971 20788 -817 10 1 5
19 kook 4 108 119 141 -22 23007 24546 -1539 10 2 25
20 ka1ne 2 89 91 62 29 14396 11772 2624 8 7 9
21 thek1ng 2 87 91 110 -19 15012 15125 -113 3 4 9
22 aKm 2 75 76 103 -27 12806 14692 -1886 7 4 2
23 unity 2 70 75 85 -10 12571 13056 -485 3 0 10
24 mdf 2 70 72 77 -5 10844 11301 -457 5 0 12
25 T1E 2 59 62 74 -12 11179 11471 -292 5 0 8
26 kurv3n 2 57 64 75 -11 10268 11789 -1521 4 0 4
27 Przrg 2 52 54 92 -38 10465 14500 -4035 0 1 9
28 lanf3ust 2 51 56 121 -65 10960 17229 -6269 3 0 9
29 a1r_r41d 2 49 56 96 -40 10073 14601 -4528 3 3 2
30 Zulu4 2 48 52 99 -47 10380 14879 -4499 6 1 3
1 Av3k 6 41,2 42,3 35,0 7,3 7660,3 5901,3 1759,0 5,0 0,5 9,3
2 x1ks 6 40,7 41,8 35,7 6,2 6808,8 5735,8 1073,0 2,7 0,5 2,8
3 nhsb 6 40,5 42,5 33,3 9,2 5898,0 5250,2 647,8 3,7 1,8 2,7
4 Freeman 5 47,0 48,2 47,6 0,6 7386,2 7261,0 125,2 4,4 2,6 6,4
5 krus 4 52,8 53,8 43,2 10,5 7968,8 6828,0 1140,8 6,2 2,2 13,8
6 n0ns 5 42,0 43,4 45,2 -1,8 7781,0 7100,6 680,4 3,0 1,8 5,6
7 twister 5 37,8 39,6 44,8 -5,2 7025,0 6980,6 44,4 1,0 1,8 4,4
8 alfaomega 6 30,2 32,5 29,2 3,3 5654,3 4857,2 797,2 2,3 0,2 6,8
9 ChaKaL 4 43,2 45,8 44,0 1,8 7328,5 7083,5 245,0 4,5 1,8 3,8
10 A1pert 4 36,0 37,8 43,0 -5,2 6220,5 6629,8 -409,2 2,5 0,8 5,2
11 starosta 4 35,8 37,5 39,2 -1,8 5461,0 6053,5 -592,5 2,0 1,0 4,0
12 Lexa 4 35,5 37,5 36,5 1,0 6364,5 6071,8 292,8 2,2 2,2 8,2
13 h8m3 3 45,3 47,3 50,0 -2,7 7354,3 7486,0 -131,7 6,0 2,7 1,3
14 Alteza 3 44,3 46,0 47,7 -1,7 7240,7 7411,3 -170,7 5,7 0,7 6,7
15 Cerboz 3 44,0 45,0 52,0 -7,0 7791,0 7681,7 109,3 4,0 2,3 4,7
16 gbnc 3 42,7 45,0 44,0 1,0 6629,7 7293,3 -663,7 3,3 1,3 3,3
17 421 4 30,8 33,0 34,2 -1,2 5678,0 5843,8 -165,8 2,8 0,5 1,2
18 Insan3 3 38,7 40,0 50,3 -10,3 6657,0 6929,3 -272,3 3,3 0,3 1,7
19 kook 4 27,0 29,8 35,2 -5,5 5751,8 6136,5 -384,8 2,5 0,5 6,2
20 ka1ne 2 44,5 45,5 31,0 14,5 7198,0 5886,0 1312,0 4,0 3,5 4,5
21 thek1ng 2 43,5 45,5 55,0 -9,5 7506,0 7562,5 -56,5 1,5 2,0 4,5
22 aKm 2 37,5 38,0 51,5 -13,5 6403,0 7346,0 -943,0 3,5 2,0 1,0
23 unity 2 35,0 37,5 42,5 -5,0 6285,5 6528,0 -242,5 1,5 0,0 5,0
24 mdf 2 35,0 36,0 38,5 -2,5 5422,0 5650,5 -228,5 2,5 0,0 6,0
25 T1E 2 29,5 31,0 37,0 -6,0 5589,5 5735,5 -146,0 2,5 0,0 4,0
26 kurv3n 2 28,5 32,0 37,5 -5,5 5134,0 5894,5 -760,5 2,0 0,0 2,0
27 Przrg 2 26,0 27,0 46,0 -19,0 5232,5 7250,0 -2017,5 0,0 0,5 4,5
28 lanf3ust 2 25,5 28,0 60,5 -32,5 5480,0 8614,5 -3134,5 1,5 0,0 4,5
29 a1r_r41d 2 24,5 28,0 48,0 -20,0 5036,5 7300,5 -2264,0 1,5 1,5 1,0
30 Zulu4 2 24,0 26,0 49,5 -23,5 5190,0 7439,5 -2249,5 3,0 0,5 1,5
1 Av3k634232--7824696
2 x1ks63595025259215
3 nhsb611285323882338
4 Freeman5134475323413111
5 krus49314622824696
6 n0ns593238653353212
7 twister594347230252913
8 alfaomega61242932949582
9 ChaKaL472437142411912
10 A1pert43314121623296
11 starosta44252842835215
12 Lexa49222432226404
13 h8m33829223451979
14 Alteza32273211718374
15 Cerboz372144--2019177
16 gbnc342531715261611
17 4214221411203782
18 Insan331282311437412
19 kook42242562221154
20 ka1ne271036--913106
21 thek1ng241414--1616215
22 aKm241912125933
23 unity2--18141131514--
24 mdf2--1463251014--
25 T1E2--619--62074
26 kurv3n2--614--132551
27 Przrg21913--710113
28 lanf3ust2--1922--1581
29 a1r_r41d231014--10127--
30 Zulu421107--22255
1 Av3k60,57,05,3--13,04,011,51,0
2 x1ks60,59,88,30,38,79,83,50,8
3 nhsb61,84,78,80,36,313,75,51,3
4 Freeman52,68,815,00,64,68,26,22,2
5 krus42,27,811,50,57,06,017,21,5
6 n0ns51,86,47,61,210,67,06,42,4
7 twister51,88,69,40,46,05,05,82,6
8 alfaomega60,24,04,80,54,88,29,70,3
9 ChaKaL41,86,09,20,210,510,24,83,0
10 A1pert40,87,810,20,54,05,87,21,5
11 starosta41,06,27,01,07,08,85,21,2
12 Lexa42,25,56,00,85,56,510,01,0
13 h8m332,79,77,31,015,06,32,33,0
14 Alteza30,79,010,70,35,76,012,31,3
15 Cerboz32,37,014,7--6,76,35,72,3
16 gbnc31,38,310,32,35,08,75,33,7
17 42140,55,210,20,25,09,22,00,5
18 Insan330,39,37,70,34,712,31,34,0
19 kook40,56,06,21,55,55,23,81,0
20 ka1ne23,55,018,0--4,56,55,03,0
21 thek1ng22,07,07,0--8,08,010,52,5
22 aKm22,09,56,00,512,54,51,51,5
23 unity2--9,07,00,56,57,57,0--
24 mdf2--7,03,01,512,55,07,0--
25 T1E2--3,09,5--3,010,03,52,0
26 kurv3n2--3,07,0--6,512,52,50,5
27 Przrg20,54,56,5--3,55,05,51,5
28 lanf3ust2--9,511,0--0,52,54,00,5
29 a1r_r41d21,55,07,0--5,06,03,5--
30 Zulu420,55,03,5--1,011,02,52,5


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