
Quake History goes BETA

12 September 2012, 16:48




ID: 5

That's right, after about one year of work, Quake History has finally reached the beta phase. I would like to take this opportunity to share some information with you about the some things I have been working on. The first thing I would like to mention is the Versus feature, which gives you the ability to compare players and teams (maps as well in the future). Secondly, I have updated the stream list (status refreshed every 3 minutes) where you can watch mainly Quake. Thirdly, an IRC bot has been deployed by xynix - more information below. Last but not least, I have finally managed to add the biggest tournament so far: the last ZOTAC QL Duel Cup (#144).

The website is growing, slowly but maturely. Currently there are about 2400 matches, 140 tournaments, 1200 players, 100 streams present in the database, which still is a tiny little part of the Quake world (new content is being added almost every day). There are currently 52 users, who can write comments, change their account settings and add literally everything to the "favourites".

I am working on the overall and series rankings for players and teams where you will be able to see the standings for each player/team. The overall ranking will be showing each and every tournament gathered in the database, while the series ranking will be showing the list containing only a specific tournament's history - e.g. all the QuakeCon's. I consired dividing by events too.

I am focusing on new sections too: movies, interviews and articles.

[/ex] [ex="Streams, bot and IRC channel"]

The list of available streams is easily accessible at my IRC channel: #QuakeHistory. All you have to do is to type !live to see all live streams currently online. The IRC bot is provided by xynix - movie producer (his latest production: Supremacy).

If you want to add your own stream to the list feel free to let me know.

All bot commands:
!live - shows all live streams
!live qh - shows the shortened link to the streams
!live <id> - shows the status of the selected stream
!ql stats <nick> - shows the player statistics
!ql last <nick> - shows the last match played by the player
!ql news - shows the latest QL twitter news
!ql ranks duel|ca|tdm <nick> - shows the data from the

[/ex] [ex="QuakeHistory Stream API"]

Here is my Stream API, where anyone who wishes to can use the name, status, game and the viewers count for all the streams or just one specified stream.

[/ex] [ex="Consider donation"]

Quake History is a non-commercial free to use website (you will not see any advertisements nor pop-out windows harassing you). At the moment, the site is developed only by me. I do spend a lot of time at this project. It is my full time job now!

As you might know, such website generates certain maintenance costs. This is why I decided to ask You for a little help. If there is anyone that would like to help me financially I would be most grateful. Even the smallest donation would help. You may find the account details which you can use for donations below.

pyton [at] quakehistory [dot] com

Since PayPal's commission for using the "Donate" PayPal button is not the best for either party I have decided to only use direct donations to my e-mail address.

Each registered user on the website, who kindly decides to donate will get the red star near his username - at the moment that is all Quake History can afford. I will work hard to make sure more goodies will be up for grabs in the future. :)

[/ex] [ex="Some link examples

Once I finally get a 40/40 Mbit connection the Quake History TV will start streaming some goodies for you! :)

Some users could have a problem with the activation of their accounts by clicking the activation link. The problem should now be resolved.

Source: none

Quake History provides the coverage of the QL tournament during the Dreamhack Summer 2012

15 June 2012, 12:19


no comments


ID: 4

DreamHack Summer 2012 is just around the corner, the tournament starts tomorrow. For almost 3 days i will be covering the Quake Live tournament (alongside Vampir we will be commentating the games, in Polish, on SadlyTV). This is a good opportunity to present the potential of my website. The site is still in the alpha phase, but for the last 3 months much has changed. I have added many new sections, expanded the current ones by adding the new functionality and fixed a ton of bugs. I have finally began adding the content: tournaments, teams, demos, vods, ect. Due to the lack of time it's not much, but more is to be added. Unfortunately i have to choose between programming and adding new content - this is the life of a one man team.

Currently i am working on the tournaments and player/team profiles sections and am in the middle of creating a new section: Versus, where you will be able to view the match history between the two players/teams. It will be interesting to see how many times Cypher has beat Rapha and how many times Rapha came out on top.

Event: DreamHack Summer 2012
Tournament: DHS 2012: Kingston Quake Live Championship

See you tommorow!

Source: none

Quake History is slowly approaching the beta phase

25 April 2012, 16:04




ID: 3

We are getting closer to the beta phase so right now you don't have to log in to access the website. For the last 6 weeks I was working hard to reach the status that will allow me to publish the website for even bigger reign of users. During that time a lot of new key features were introduced. I have reduced the number of webpage requests, optimised the PHP, JS code and SQL querries, which should result in even faster loading/refreshing times. Hopefully I will be able to start the beta phase just before the DreamHack Summer 2012 so that I can prvoide the full coverage of this event.

I have fixed a large number (ca. 250) of errors and added a lot of small new features that I won't list here since there is too many.

Unfortunately I had to postpone adding new content to the site due to the lack of time, that is why I would like to ask for your help in creating special files (for tournaments), which will be imported to the database with a simple mouse click. If you would like to help or you have noticed a bug, please feel free to contact me - preferably in the IRC channel #QuakeHistory at QuakeNet network.

By the way, mousestar released his new CTF movie called "Their Base Is Safe". Why do I mention this? Because I am there. ;)

Source: none

New functionality

16 March 2012, 16:46


1 comment


ID: 2

A week has passed since the start of the open alpha. I am pleasantly surprised that my project has met with great interest, the site was visited by almost 700 unique users. While reading comments on the ESR I have noticed that the site was positively adopted, which only spurred me to further work.

Today I have finished a few things that I was working on for the last week. The most important is the search function which is now available for the whole website (wherever the search option is available of course).

[/ex] [ex="The things which I will focus on in the near future

I have also fixed many errors invisible for the end user, increasing efficiency, safety and the speed of the page. If anyone noticed an error, please contact me (preferably in IRC).

After completing the tasks listed above I will (hopefully) start adding further content to the "Coverage" section (mainly tournaments). I am looking for people who want to help me in adding tournaments to the page. I will provide needed data from my source or your source. You will just need to prepare special CSV files, so I can easily import them into the database.

Source: none

Quake History Project came out from the underground

8 March 2012, 12:53




ID: 1

Welcome, I have been planning to share my project, which I was working on since holiday of 2010, with you for a long time. The idea came quite unexpectedly and so deeply stuck in my mind that I could not leave it. The plan was simple - make the greatest database of tournaments, events, leagues, series, interviews, articles, games, demos, vods, streams, players, teams, photographs, videos, rankings, and many other things of the Quake series games, from Quake 1 to Quake Live. I have spent almost a year on collecting all the possible information and even then I have only collected just about 1% of what I wanted. I have spent the rest of the time on programming the page (not yet completed).

Please note that my project is currently in the alpha phase and contains mostly inaccurate content so do not take it too seriously until it leaves the beta. I need this for testing. Nevertheless the first functionality can already be seen. Full, real content will be available in the beta phase.

From time to time I will be adding new content (tournaments, events, players, teams) and working on new functionality..

Come and join my IRC channel - #QuakeHistory (QuakeNet). Maybe you have something to offer and wanna help? Do not fear to ask. :)

Have fun exploring! o/

Source: none

Quake History by PYTON © 2010 - 2025 ( v0.85-beta / 01.12.2013 )