
Impressive Gaming League TDM #1

16 February 2013, 18:28


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ID: 501

Event: Impressive Gaming League TDM

Schedule: 12 February 2012, 19:30 - 16 February 2012, 23:25

Location: Internet


IRC channel: #igl.ql @

Game: Quake Live

Mode: Team Deathmatch 4v4

Cash prize pool: none

Progress: Single elimination bracket (16 teams)


Map pool (7)


there are no prizes

List of participating teams (16)

Undetermined rank

4K4Kings Gaming Royalty

unknown list of players

aCt.aCtion Ligan

bl4jnd, dash, dworkz, gizmo, nightops, stickan, ZLC

[bS]*Barrio Sesamo

bebek, BiChO, DeRiSaS, eKiSs


unknown list of players

coma!COver My Ass!

malaka, REDEMPTOR, sz, thek1ng

goblscrotch goblins

unknown list of players

102deliberate murder

421, Karroider, kook, Lexa, starosta

DtrDowntown Runtorz

CraSh, Fobosz, Ghostor, ujio13

ekElite Killers

chumbo, GaRpY, raw, TRIPPY


bab, debtor, dibbe, empish, fl4sh, flatecek, gooderr


Kujiwa, mdf, p1s, Przrg


unknown list of players

[TE]Team Evolution

dance, Darthvader9, fearZZz, Kaide

mamutTeam Mamut

Darknox, deith, miso, Morpheus, rav, Weird


alien, mess, syz, unu


Damiah, frs, gerppa, wit


Single elimination bracket (open in new tab)

Round 1
(best of 3)
 Round 2
(best of 3)
 Round 3
(best of 3)
 Round 4
(best of 3)


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Match for third place (open in new tab)

(best of 3)
 3rd place


match details 




Final standings

TOP 10...

Biggest victories

Largest differences of points on the individual maps
P. Team #1   Team #2 Map Score Diff. Match
1 Barrio Sesamo vs. xentorium Hidden Fortress 137 : 204 +67 details
2 COver My Ass! vs. Downtown Runtorz Grim Dungeons 91 : 31 +60 details
3 COver My Ass! vs. Downtown Runtorz Dreadful Place 132 : 72 +60 details
4 aCtion Ligan vs. Team Mamut Grim Dungeons 130 : 70 +60 details
5 aCtion Ligan vs. Neutralizerz Purgatory 122 : 180 +58 details
6 Barrio Sesamo vs. xentorium Grim Dungeons 71 : 129 +58 details
7 deliberate murder vs. Onfire Intervention 178 : 129 +49 details
8 aCtion Ligan vs. deliberate murder Deep Inside 157 : 112 +45 details
9 aCtion Ligan vs. xenoclan Grim Dungeons 127 : 83 +44 details
10 Team Evolution vs. Neutralizerz Deep Inside 106 : 150 +44 details

Most equal matches

Smallest differences of points on the individual maps
P. Team #1   Team #2 Map Score Diff. Match
1 aCtion Ligan vs. xenoclan Realm of Steel Rats 170 : 169 +1 details
2 Neutralizerz vs. COver My Ass! Grim Dungeons 121 : 118 +3 details
3 Neutralizerz vs. xentorium Grim Dungeons 128 : 124 +4 details
4 aCtion Ligan vs. deliberate murder Hidden Fortress 189 : 195 +6 details
5 COver My Ass! vs. Elite Killers Dreadful Place 156 : 169 +13 details
6 aCtion Ligan vs. Team Mamut Deep Inside 130 : 114 +16 details
7 deliberate murder vs. Onfire Deep Inside 116 : 100 +16 details
8 aCtion Ligan vs. Neutralizerz Grim Dungeons 100 : 81 +19 details
9 Team Evolution vs. Neutralizerz Dreadful Place 137 : 159 +22 details
10 COver My Ass! vs. Elite Killers Hidden Fortress 219 : 189 +30 details



no demos


no vods



The largest number of points

1Grim Dungeons91916212,916331
2Hidden Fortress41540385,0219137
3Dreadful Place41083270,816972
4Deep Inside4985246,3157100
6Realm of Steel Rats1339339,0170169
The largest average number of points

1Hidden Fortress41540385,0219137
2Realm of Steel Rats1339339,0170169
5Dreadful Place41083270,816972
6Deep Inside4985246,3157100
7Grim Dungeons91916212,916331

Teams (basic)

The largest number of points

1aCtion Ligan111579143,5219100
3COver My Ass!71026146,621991
4deliberate murder5697139,419596
6Elite Killers3483161,0189125
7Team Mamut3335111,715170
9Team Evolution2243121,5137106
11Barrio Sesamo2208104,013771
12Downtown Runtorz210351,57231
The largest average number of points per map

1Downtown Runtorz210351,57231
2Elite Killers3483161,0189125
4COver My Ass!71026146,621991
6aCtion Ligan111579143,5219100
7deliberate murder5697139,419596
9Team Evolution2243121,5137106
11Team Mamut3335111,715170
12Barrio Sesamo2208104,013771

Teams (advanced)

Number of played maps included in the statistics: 26/26 (100,0%)

Points and statisticsPoints and statistics (average)FragsFrags (average)

1 aCtion Ligan 11 1579 1662 1587 75 311897 257558 54339 142 38 126
2 Neutralizerz 9 1353 1412 1326 86 265152 217528 47624 115 27 190
3 COver My Ass! 7 1026 1075 1003 72 198877 155600 43277 102 24 119
4 deliberate murder 5 697 729 779 -50 142787 123217 19570 55 23 123
5 xentorium 4 584 609 540 69 117765 89274 28491 59 10 104
6 Elite Killers 3 483 506 581 -75 92847 85580 7267 49 4 34
7 Team Mamut 3 335 352 403 -51 71063 68581 2482 25 3 39
8 xenoclan 2 252 262 323 -61 50459 47053 3406 17 4 10
9 Team Evolution 2 243 249 326 -77 50196 49968 228 14 3 26
10 Onfire 2 239 246 312 -66 48513 50398 -1885 11 3 39
11 Barrio Sesamo 2 208 215 349 -134 43890 52800 -8910 8 7 16
12 Downtown Runtorz 2 103 122 247 -125 25755 35247 -9492 7 8 11
1 aCtion Ligan 11 143,5 151,1 144,3 6,8 28354,3 23414,4 4939,9 12,9 3,5 11,5
2 Neutralizerz 9 150,3 156,9 147,3 9,6 29461,3 24169,8 5291,6 12,8 3,0 21,1
3 COver My Ass! 7 146,6 153,6 143,3 10,3 28411,0 22228,6 6182,4 14,6 3,4 17,0
4 deliberate murder 5 139,4 145,8 155,8 -10,0 28557,4 24643,4 3914,0 11,0 4,6 24,6
5 xentorium 4 146,0 152,2 135,0 17,2 29441,2 22318,5 7122,8 14,8 2,5 26,0
6 Elite Killers 3 161,0 168,7 193,7 -25,0 30949,0 28526,7 2422,3 16,3 1,3 11,3
7 Team Mamut 3 111,7 117,3 134,3 -17,0 23687,7 22860,3 827,3 8,3 1,0 13,0
8 xenoclan 2 126,0 131,0 161,5 -30,5 25229,5 23526,5 1703,0 8,5 2,0 5,0
9 Team Evolution 2 121,5 124,5 163,0 -38,5 25098,0 24984,0 114,0 7,0 1,5 13,0
10 Onfire 2 119,5 123,0 156,0 -33,0 24256,5 25199,0 -942,5 5,5 1,5 19,5
11 Barrio Sesamo 2 104,0 107,5 174,5 -67,0 21945,0 26400,0 -4455,0 4,0 3,5 8,0
12 Downtown Runtorz 2 51,5 61,0 123,5 -62,5 12877,5 17623,5 -4746,0 3,5 4,0 5,5
1 aCtion Ligan11382733431536838417863
2 Neutralizerz9271982221532133324056
3 COver My Ass!7241732131822123715930
4 deliberate murder523118144411613415930
5 xentorium41072961211916212016
6 Elite Killers341231053107855920
7 Team Mamut333576478795918
8 xenoclan245562839681412
9 Team Evolution233852553354320
10 Onfire23404765539479
11 Barrio Sesamo27354125052198
12 Downtown Runtorz28172251832146
1 aCtion Ligan113,524,831,21,433,534,916,25,7
2 Neutralizerz93,022,024,71,735,737,026,76,2
3 COver My Ass!73,424,730,42,631,633,922,74,3
4 deliberate murder54,623,628,80,823,226,831,86,0
5 xentorium42,518,024,03,029,840,530,04,0
6 Elite Killers31,341,035,01,035,728,319,76,7
7 Team Mamut31,011,725,31,326,026,319,76,0
8 xenoclan22,027,531,04,019,534,07,06,0
9 Team Evolution21,519,026,02,526,517,521,510,0
10 Onfire21,520,023,53,027,519,523,54,5
11 Barrio Sesamo23,517,520,51,025,026,09,54,0
12 Downtown Runtorz24,08,511,02,59,016,07,03,0

Players (advanced)

Points and statisticsPoints and statistics (average)FragsFrags (average)

1 ZLC 10 408 423 413 10 79125 65490 13635 40 9 32
2 bl4jnd 10 405 431 395 36 75884 62504 13380 33 6 19
3 gooderr 9 379 391 327 64 69558 57035 12523 35 6 32
4 nightops 11 356 378 373 5 74334 62023 12311 28 21 33
5 sz 7 284 297 278 19 52837 40769 12068 30 5 28
6 gizmo 8 266 281 212 69 52788 37049 15739 31 0 26
7 thek1ng 7 264 279 262 17 52473 41968 10505 38 7 26
8 malaka 7 255 265 224 41 49368 36844 12524 22 7 39
9 empish 7 231 242 265 -23 48620 39044 9576 17 9 41
10 dibbe 5 230 239 157 82 43009 33418 9591 26 0 35
11 REDEMPTOR 7 223 234 239 -5 44199 36019 8180 12 5 26
12 kook 5 206 211 176 35 36276 31386 4890 25 4 27
13 Lexa 5 176 187 190 -3 38635 29185 9450 14 5 53
14 fl4sh 5 171 182 208 -26 35163 32304 2859 14 7 10
15 gerppa 4 156 161 108 53 31951 20452 11499 21 2 22
16 wit 4 154 160 139 21 28018 22505 5513 13 5 30
17 GaRpY 3 151 158 122 36 26792 19652 7140 18 3 11
18 frs 4 144 148 149 -1 27864 23627 4237 17 3 18
19 starosta 5 143 150 212 -62 31351 30932 419 5 9 24
20 Damiah 4 130 140 144 -4 29932 22690 7242 8 0 34
21 flatecek 4 126 136 167 -31 25277 22777 2500 10 1 21
22 chumbo 3 121 126 137 -11 22111 21444 667 13 0 8
23 debtor 3 119 121 111 10 23540 16968 6572 9 3 31
24 raw 3 114 118 179 -61 23309 23457 -148 12 0 5
25 dash 3 101 104 112 -8 19948 18660 1288 8 2 11
26 bab 3 97 101 91 10 19985 15982 4003 4 1 20
27 TRIPPY 3 97 104 143 -39 20635 21027 -392 6 1 10
28 421 3 94 99 134 -35 21507 20293 1214 4 5 7
29 miso 3 93 99 98 1 17751 17186 565 6 1 8
30 Morpheus 2 82 83 55 28 14520 9882 4638 5 0 19
31 Karroider 2 78 82 67 15 15018 11421 3597 7 0 12
32 rav 3 76 80 108 -28 15816 18422 -2606 10 2 5
33 unu 2 72 76 83 -7 13166 11647 1519 9 1 3
34 bebek 2 70 70 80 -10 13083 13383 -300 1 1 3
35 Przrg 2 69 71 64 7 13482 11090 2392 4 0 12
36 syz 2 69 69 77 -8 14077 10673 3404 5 1 4
37 Darthvader9 2 64 65 94 -29 13038 14393 -1355 3 0 6
38 Kaide 2 64 65 72 -7 12744 11120 1624 7 0 14
39 Kujiwa 2 62 65 82 -17 12467 13641 -1174 4 1 9
40 fearZZz 2 60 61 85 -24 12978 12361 617 1 3 0
41 p1s 2 58 59 79 -20 11768 12585 -817 1 2 9
42 alien 2 56 59 71 -12 11705 11534 171 1 0 1
43 mess 2 55 58 92 -34 11511 13199 -1688 2 2 2
44 dance 2 55 58 75 -17 11436 12094 -658 3 0 6
45 BiChO 2 54 56 100 -44 10647 13990 -3343 4 2 1
46 mdf 2 50 51 87 -36 10796 13082 -2286 2 0 9
47 DeRiSaS 2 48 52 79 -27 11205 12119 -914 1 1 10
48 eKiSs 2 36 37 90 -53 8955 13308 -4353 2 3 2
49 Weird 2 35 39 80 -41 11102 12587 -1485 1 0 3
50 deith 1 32 33 28 5 7098 5256 1842 1 0 4
51 Fobosz 2 30 37 84 -47 7914 10957 -3043 1 4 0
52 CraSh 2 28 33 57 -24 6077 8150 -2073 2 2 5
53 ujio13 2 26 31 53 -22 7832 8593 -761 2 2 6
54 dworkz 1 25 26 46 -20 5574 6634 -1060 2 0 5
55 Ghostor 2 19 21 53 -32 3932 7547 -3615 2 0 0
56 stickan 1 18 19 36 -17 4244 5198 -954 0 0 0
57 Darknox 1 17 18 34 -16 4776 5248 -472 2 0 0
1 ZLC 10 40,8 42,3 41,3 1,0 7912,5 6549,0 1363,5 4,0 0,9 3,2
2 bl4jnd 10 40,5 43,1 39,5 3,6 7588,4 6250,4 1338,0 3,3 0,6 1,9
3 gooderr 9 42,1 43,4 36,3 7,1 7728,7 6337,2 1391,4 3,9 0,7 3,6
4 nightops 11 32,4 34,4 33,9 0,5 6757,6 5638,5 1119,2 2,5 1,9 3,0
5 sz 7 40,6 42,4 39,7 2,7 7548,1 5824,1 1724,0 4,3 0,7 4,0
6 gizmo 8 33,2 35,1 26,5 8,6 6598,5 4631,1 1967,4 3,9 0,0 3,2
7 thek1ng 7 37,7 39,9 37,4 2,4 7496,1 5995,4 1500,7 5,4 1,0 3,7
8 malaka 7 36,4 37,9 32,0 5,9 7052,6 5263,4 1789,1 3,1 1,0 5,6
9 empish 7 33,0 34,6 37,9 -3,3 6945,7 5577,7 1368,0 2,4 1,3 5,9
10 dibbe 5 46,0 47,8 31,4 16,4 8601,8 6683,6 1918,2 5,2 0,0 7,0
11 REDEMPTOR 7 31,9 33,4 34,1 -0,7 6314,1 5145,6 1168,6 1,7 0,7 3,7
12 kook 5 41,2 42,2 35,2 7,0 7255,2 6277,2 978,0 5,0 0,8 5,4
13 Lexa 5 35,2 37,4 38,0 -0,6 7727,0 5837,0 1890,0 2,8 1,0 10,6
14 fl4sh 5 34,2 36,4 41,6 -5,2 7032,6 6460,8 571,8 2,8 1,4 2,0
15 gerppa 4 39,0 40,2 27,0 13,2 7987,8 5113,0 2874,8 5,2 0,5 5,5
16 wit 4 38,5 40,0 34,8 5,2 7004,5 5626,2 1378,2 3,2 1,2 7,5
17 GaRpY 3 50,3 52,7 40,7 12,0 8930,7 6550,7 2380,0 6,0 1,0 3,7
18 frs 4 36,0 37,0 37,2 -0,2 6966,0 5906,8 1059,2 4,2 0,8 4,5
19 starosta 5 28,6 30,0 42,4 -12,4 6270,2 6186,4 83,8 1,0 1,8 4,8
20 Damiah 4 32,5 35,0 36,0 -1,0 7483,0 5672,5 1810,5 2,0 0,0 8,5
21 flatecek 4 31,5 34,0 41,8 -7,8 6319,2 5694,2 625,0 2,5 0,2 5,2
22 chumbo 3 40,3 42,0 45,7 -3,7 7370,3 7148,0 222,3 4,3 0,0 2,7
23 debtor 3 39,7 40,3 37,0 3,3 7846,7 5656,0 2190,7 3,0 1,0 10,3
24 raw 3 38,0 39,3 59,7 -20,3 7769,7 7819,0 -49,3 4,0 0,0 1,7
25 dash 3 33,7 34,7 37,3 -2,7 6649,3 6220,0 429,3 2,7 0,7 3,7
26 bab 3 32,3 33,7 30,3 3,3 6661,7 5327,3 1334,3 1,3 0,3 6,7
27 TRIPPY 3 32,3 34,7 47,7 -13,0 6878,3 7009,0 -130,7 2,0 0,3 3,3
28 421 3 31,3 33,0 44,7 -11,7 7169,0 6764,3 404,7 1,3 1,7 2,3
29 miso 3 31,0 33,0 32,7 0,3 5917,0 5728,7 188,3 2,0 0,3 2,7
30 Morpheus 2 41,0 41,5 27,5 14,0 7260,0 4941,0 2319,0 2,5 0,0 9,5
31 Karroider 2 39,0 41,0 33,5 7,5 7509,0 5710,5 1798,5 3,5 0,0 6,0
32 rav 3 25,3 26,7 36,0 -9,3 5272,0 6140,7 -868,7 3,3 0,7 1,7
33 unu 2 36,0 38,0 41,5 -3,5 6583,0 5823,5 759,5 4,5 0,5 1,5
34 bebek 2 35,0 35,0 40,0 -5,0 6541,5 6691,5 -150,0 0,5 0,5 1,5
35 Przrg 2 34,5 35,5 32,0 3,5 6741,0 5545,0 1196,0 2,0 0,0 6,0
36 syz 2 34,5 34,5 38,5 -4,0 7038,5 5336,5 1702,0 2,5 0,5 2,0
37 Darthvader9 2 32,0 32,5 47,0 -14,5 6519,0 7196,5 -677,5 1,5 0,0 3,0
38 Kaide 2 32,0 32,5 36,0 -3,5 6372,0 5560,0 812,0 3,5 0,0 7,0
39 Kujiwa 2 31,0 32,5 41,0 -8,5 6233,5 6820,5 -587,0 2,0 0,5 4,5
40 fearZZz 2 30,0 30,5 42,5 -12,0 6489,0 6180,5 308,5 0,5 1,5 0,0
41 p1s 2 29,0 29,5 39,5 -10,0 5884,0 6292,5 -408,5 0,5 1,0 4,5
42 alien 2 28,0 29,5 35,5 -6,0 5852,5 5767,0 85,5 0,5 0,0 0,5
43 mess 2 27,5 29,0 46,0 -17,0 5755,5 6599,5 -844,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
44 dance 2 27,5 29,0 37,5 -8,5 5718,0 6047,0 -329,0 1,5 0,0 3,0
45 BiChO 2 27,0 28,0 50,0 -22,0 5323,5 6995,0 -1671,5 2,0 1,0 0,5
46 mdf 2 25,0 25,5 43,5 -18,0 5398,0 6541,0 -1143,0 1,0 0,0 4,5
47 DeRiSaS 2 24,0 26,0 39,5 -13,5 5602,5 6059,5 -457,0 0,5 0,5 5,0
48 eKiSs 2 18,0 18,5 45,0 -26,5 4477,5 6654,0 -2176,5 1,0 1,5 1,0
49 Weird 2 17,5 19,5 40,0 -20,5 5551,0 6293,5 -742,5 0,5 0,0 1,5
50 deith 1 32,0 33,0 28,0 5,0 7098,0 5256,0 1842,0 1,0 0,0 4,0
51 Fobosz 2 15,0 18,5 42,0 -23,5 3957,0 5478,5 -1521,5 0,5 2,0 0,0
52 CraSh 2 14,0 16,5 28,5 -12,0 3038,5 4075,0 -1036,5 1,0 1,0 2,5
53 ujio13 2 13,0 15,5 26,5 -11,0 3916,0 4296,5 -380,5 1,0 1,0 3,0
54 dworkz 1 25,0 26,0 46,0 -20,0 5574,0 6634,0 -1060,0 2,0 0,0 5,0
55 Ghostor 2 9,5 10,5 26,5 -16,0 1966,0 3773,5 -1807,5 1,0 0,0 0,0
56 stickan 1 18,0 19,0 36,0 -17,0 4244,0 5198,0 -954,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
57 Darknox 1 17,0 18,0 34,0 -16,0 4776,0 5248,0 -472,0 2,0 0,0 0,0
1 ZLC1098080--721204418
2 bl4jnd106771072691114118
3 gooderr96514021341004216
4 nightops112154558130603911
5 sz75605627951386
6 gizmo8--366438160307
7 thek1ng77386096850398
8 malaka773252538764411
9 empish79444431372516
10 dibbe5--164617053476
11 REDEMPTOR75434523660385
12 kook54194814754344
13 Lexa553425--2921658
14 fl4sh573628333461712
15 gerppa42142123640388
16 wit45173413534275
17 GaRpY3329936325179
18 frs43212023344223
19 starosta59333031716329
20 Damiah4--20217154433--
21 flatecek411910235302910
22 chumbo3--3534--2122113
23 debtor33232441122313
24 raw3--3830--1123106
25 dash32142511327148
26 bab31930--2510233
27 TRIPPY312132--1215212
28 421351616--1332116
29 miso311218121241210
30 Morpheus2--319--2211271
31 Karroider2--1625--1011173
32 rav321522--141863
33 unu21131977245--
34 bebek219122201753
35 Przrg2--1092236183
36 syz2113221151241
37 Darthvader92--12132187103
38 Kaide2--1112--165165
39 Kujiwa2110221111082
40 fearZZz23620191057
41 p1s22882521103
42 alien2--1111--1421--2
43 mess221810--31159
44 dance2--9721013125
45 BiChO221313--111421
46 mdf2--1281162111
47 DeRiSaS2169--151092
48 eKiSs2377--41132
49 Weird2--26281092
50 deith1--27112452
51 Fobosz246313173--
52 CraSh2257--757--
53 ujio13223615545
54 dworkz1--68----210--
55 Ghostor2--36335--1
56 stickan1--64134--1
57 Darknox1--14--112----
1 ZLC100,98,08,0--7,212,04,41,8
2 bl4jnd100,67,710,70,26,911,14,11,8
3 gooderr90,75,74,40,214,911,14,71,8
4 nightops111,94,95,00,711,85,53,51,0
5 sz70,78,68,00,311,37,35,40,9
6 gizmo8--4,58,00,410,17,53,80,9
7 thek1ng71,05,48,61,39,77,15,61,1
8 malaka71,04,67,40,75,410,96,31,6
9 empish71,36,36,30,41,910,37,30,9
10 dibbe5--3,29,20,214,010,69,41,2
11 REDEMPTOR70,76,16,40,35,18,65,40,7
12 kook50,83,89,60,29,410,86,80,8
13 Lexa51,06,85,0--5,84,213,01,6
14 fl4sh51,47,25,60,66,69,23,42,4
15 gerppa40,53,55,20,59,010,09,52,0
16 wit41,24,28,50,28,88,56,81,2
17 GaRpY31,09,73,01,021,08,35,73,0
18 frs40,85,25,00,58,211,05,50,8
19 starosta51,86,66,00,63,43,26,41,8
20 Damiah4--5,05,21,83,811,08,2--
21 flatecek40,24,82,50,58,87,57,22,5
22 chumbo3--11,711,3--7,07,33,71,0
23 debtor31,07,78,01,33,77,310,31,0
24 raw3--12,710,0--3,77,73,32,0
25 dash30,74,78,30,34,39,04,72,7
26 bab30,33,010,0--8,33,37,71,0
27 TRIPPY30,37,010,7--4,05,07,00,7
28 42131,75,35,3--4,310,73,72,0
29 miso30,34,06,00,37,08,04,03,3
30 Morpheus2--1,59,5--11,05,513,50,5
31 Karroider2--8,012,5--5,05,58,51,5
32 rav30,75,07,3--4,76,02,01,0
33 unu20,56,59,53,53,512,02,5--
34 bebek20,54,56,01,010,08,52,51,5
35 Przrg2--5,04,51,011,53,09,01,5
36 syz20,56,511,00,57,56,02,00,5
37 Darthvader92--6,06,51,09,03,55,01,5
38 Kaide2--5,56,0--8,02,58,02,5
39 Kujiwa20,55,011,00,55,55,04,01,0
40 fearZZz21,53,010,00,54,55,02,53,5
41 p1s21,04,04,01,02,510,55,01,5
42 alien2--5,55,5--7,010,5--1,0
43 mess21,09,05,0--1,55,52,54,5
44 dance2--4,53,51,05,06,56,02,5
45 BiChO21,06,56,5--5,57,01,00,5
46 mdf2--6,04,00,58,01,05,50,5
47 DeRiSaS20,53,04,5--7,55,04,51,0
48 eKiSs21,53,53,5--2,05,51,51,0
49 Weird2--1,03,01,04,05,04,51,0
50 deith1--2,07,01,012,04,05,02,0
51 Fobosz22,03,01,50,51,58,51,5--
52 CraSh21,02,53,5--3,52,53,5--
53 ujio1321,01,53,00,52,52,52,02,5
54 dworkz1--6,08,0----2,010,0--
55 Ghostor2--1,53,01,51,52,5--0,5
56 stickan1--6,04,01,03,04,0--1,0
57 Darknox1--1,04,0--1,012,0----


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