
#TDMPICKUP Draft Tournament #9

8 March 2014, 20:16


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ID: 791


Schedule: 23 February 2014, 17:00 - 23 February 2014, 23:00

Location: Internet


IRC channel: #tdmpickup @

Game: Quake Live

Mode: Team Deathmatch 4v4

Cash prize pool: none

Progress: Single elimination bracket (16 teams)


Map pool (5)


there are no prizes

List of participating teams (16)

Undetermined rank

ahxnxaTDM (ahxnxa)

ahxnxa, duk1e, Eteto, Hanzo

CentinelaTDM (Centinela)

Centinela, Monothought, nYshak, ujio13

fearZZzTDM (fearZZz)

CraSh, fearZZz, IZMEYI, VinuJ

gienekTDM (gienek)

Gauldoth, gienek, lethiferous, URAZ

GohanTDM (Gohan)

Anhedonic, Gohan, mureau, yojikiztumana

insan3TDM (insan3)

fisHs, Insan3, keenum, kYzeR

ka5taTDM (ka5ta)

AdoreSP, ka5ta, LuKeLawlz, TNZ

kennyTDM (kenny)

aSH, kenny, Moogen, sqetchie

MastermindTDM (Mastermind)

lici, Mastermind, stripy, zxcv

NnewOneTDM (NnewOne)

NnewOne, SashaGrey, Skathi, vasnur

peckaTDM (pecka)

dan5, Drayan, pecka, pulex

rehepappTDM (rehepapp)

Damien7, monsanto, quad, rehepapp

ta1kunTDM (ta1kun)

Ic3, Karby, ta1kun, whodares, Xron

Wood27TDM (Wood27)

corvu, MatoD, Realf1re, Wood27

x1ksTDM (x1ks)

24, JunkZ, tr1x0, x1ks

YegorBTDM (YegorB)

HPlive, mst, rell, YegorB


Single elimination bracket (open in new tab)

Round 1
(best of 3)
 Round 2
(best of 3)
 Round 3
(best of 3)
 Round 4
(best of 3)


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Final standings

TOP 10...

Biggest victories

Largest differences of points on the individual maps
P. Team #1   Team #2 Map Score Diff. Match
1 TDM (rehepapp) vs. TDM (gienek) Hidden Fortress 185 : 235 +50 details
2 TDM (Gohan) vs. TDM (gienek) Hidden Fortress 107 : 157 +50 details
3 TDM (rehepapp) vs. TDM (ka5ta) Purgatory 142 : 92 +50 details
4 TDM (ahxnxa) vs. TDM (gienek) Purgatory 67 : 117 +50 details
5 TDM (Gohan) vs. TDM (Centinela) Limbus 100 : 50 +50 details
6 TDM (rehepapp) vs. TDM (pecka) Hidden Fortress 129 : 79 +50 details
7 TDM (NnewOne) vs. TDM (YegorB) Purgatory 81 : 31 +50 details
8 TDM (ka5ta) vs. TDM (x1ks) Purgatory 166 : 123 +43 details
9 TDM (kenny) vs. TDM (Mastermind) Purgatory 142 : 185 +43 details
10 TDM (Gohan) vs. TDM (gienek) Dreadful Place 138 : 176 +38 details

Most equal matches

Smallest differences of points on the individual maps
P. Team #1   Team #2 Map Score Diff. Match
1 TDM (Wood27) vs. TDM (ta1kun) Purgatory 156 : 158 +2 details
2 TDM (rehepapp) vs. TDM (pecka) Limbus 153 : 148 +5 details
3 TDM (Wood27) vs. TDM (ta1kun) Hidden Fortress 195 : 189 +6 details
4 TDM (Wood27) vs. TDM (NnewOne) Dreadful Place 178 : 171 +7 details
5 TDM (insan3) vs. TDM (fearZZz) Hidden Fortress 163 : 155 +8 details
6 TDM (rehepapp) vs. TDM (ka5ta) Hidden Fortress 199 : 209 +10 details
7 TDM (Gohan) vs. TDM (Centinela) Dreadful Place 136 : 149 +13 details
8 TDM (Wood27) vs. TDM (NnewOne) Hidden Fortress 213 : 199 +14 details
9 TDM (Wood27) vs. TDM (ta1kun) Dreadful Place 177 : 161 +16 details
10 TDM (NnewOne) vs. TDM (YegorB) Hidden Fortress 215 : 197 +18 details



no demos


no vods



The largest number of points

1Hidden Fortress114080370,923579
3Dreadful Place92760306,7183116
The largest average number of points

1Hidden Fortress114080370,923579
2Dreadful Place92760306,7183116

Teams (basic)

The largest number of points

1TDM (Mastermind)81532191,5233156
2TDM (Wood27)81458182,3213156
3TDM (gienek)81431178,9235117
4TDM (rehepapp)71138162,6199129
5TDM (NnewOne)5861172,221581
6TDM (fearZZz)5792158,4186135
7TDM (ka5ta)5771154,220992
8TDM (Gohan)5640128,0159100
9TDM (ta1kun)3508169,3189158
10TDM (insan3)3409136,3163116
11TDM (Centinela)3332110,714950
12TDM (kenny)2289144,5147142
13TDM (x1ks)2254127,0131123
14TDM (YegorB)2228114,019731
15TDM (pecka)2227113,514879
16TDM (ahxnxa)218894,012167
The largest average number of points per map

1TDM (ahxnxa)218894,012167
2TDM (Mastermind)81532191,5233156
3TDM (Wood27)81458182,3213156
4TDM (gienek)81431178,9235117
5TDM (NnewOne)5861172,221581
6TDM (ta1kun)3508169,3189158
7TDM (rehepapp)71138162,6199129
8TDM (fearZZz)5792158,4186135
9TDM (ka5ta)5771154,220992
10TDM (kenny)2289144,5147142
11TDM (insan3)3409136,3163116
12TDM (Gohan)5640128,0159100
13TDM (x1ks)2254127,0131123
14TDM (YegorB)2228114,019731
15TDM (pecka)2227113,514879
16TDM (Centinela)3332110,714950

Teams (advanced)

Number of played maps included in the statistics: 35/35 (100,0%)

Points and statisticsPoints and statistics (average)FragsFrags (average)

1 TDM (Mastermind) 8 1532 1590 1502 88 245766 234213 11553 125 65 196
2 TDM (Wood27) 8 1458 1507 1591 -84 245504 237413 8091 107 32 101
3 TDM (gienek) 8 1431 1491 1231 260 230350 196679 33671 151 28 125
4 TDM (rehepapp) 7 1138 1186 1173 13 187615 180213 7402 96 32 117
5 TDM (NnewOne) 5 861 882 851 31 134446 136423 -1977 79 24 68
6 TDM (fearZZz) 5 792 821 862 -41 134878 134937 -59 56 30 119
7 TDM (ka5ta) 5 771 785 814 -29 129018 128877 141 62 17 81
8 TDM (Gohan) 5 640 669 720 -51 112784 112993 -209 35 24 63
9 TDM (ta1kun) 3 508 526 563 -37 86691 85796 895 28 14 85
10 TDM (insan3) 3 409 427 493 -66 73306 77790 -4484 25 8 39
11 TDM (Centinela) 3 332 351 429 -78 62217 68098 -5881 13 17 40
12 TDM (kenny) 2 289 301 397 -96 52692 59099 -6407 24 4 47
13 TDM (x1ks) 2 254 265 345 -80 47263 54184 -6921 14 0 26
14 TDM (YegorB) 2 228 241 320 -79 41288 44563 -3275 18 2 24
15 TDM (pecka) 2 227 241 309 -68 41772 45511 -3739 18 11 38
16 TDM (ahxnxa) 2 188 198 304 -106 37887 46858 -8971 9 3 15
1 TDM (Mastermind) 8 191,5 198,8 187,8 11,0 30720,8 29276,6 1444,1 15,6 8,1 24,5
2 TDM (Wood27) 8 182,2 188,4 198,9 -10,5 30688,0 29676,6 1011,4 13,4 4,0 12,6
3 TDM (gienek) 8 178,9 186,4 153,9 32,5 28793,8 24584,9 4208,9 18,9 3,5 15,6
4 TDM (rehepapp) 7 162,6 169,4 167,6 1,9 26802,1 25744,7 1057,4 13,7 4,6 16,7
5 TDM (NnewOne) 5 172,2 176,4 170,2 6,2 26889,2 27284,6 -395,4 15,8 4,8 13,6
6 TDM (fearZZz) 5 158,4 164,2 172,4 -8,2 26975,6 26987,4 -11,8 11,2 6,0 23,8
7 TDM (ka5ta) 5 154,2 157,0 162,8 -5,8 25803,6 25775,4 28,2 12,4 3,4 16,2
8 TDM (Gohan) 5 128,0 133,8 144,0 -10,2 22556,8 22598,6 -41,8 7,0 4,8 12,6
9 TDM (ta1kun) 3 169,3 175,3 187,7 -12,3 28897,0 28598,7 298,3 9,3 4,7 28,3
10 TDM (insan3) 3 136,3 142,3 164,3 -22,0 24435,3 25930,0 -1494,7 8,3 2,7 13,0
11 TDM (Centinela) 3 110,7 117,0 143,0 -26,0 20739,0 22699,3 -1960,3 4,3 5,7 13,3
12 TDM (kenny) 2 144,5 150,5 198,5 -48,0 26346,0 29549,5 -3203,5 12,0 2,0 23,5
13 TDM (x1ks) 2 127,0 132,5 172,5 -40,0 23631,5 27092,0 -3460,5 7,0 0,0 13,0
14 TDM (YegorB) 2 114,0 120,5 160,0 -39,5 20644,0 22281,5 -1637,5 9,0 1,0 12,0
15 TDM (pecka) 2 113,5 120,5 154,5 -34,0 20886,0 22755,5 -1869,5 9,0 5,5 19,0
16 TDM (ahxnxa) 2 94,0 99,0 152,0 -53,0 18943,5 23429,0 -4485,5 4,5 1,5 7,5
1 TDM (Mastermind)86525930423279315229113
2 TDM (Wood27)83230542623212255143109
3 TDM (gienek)8282544101628426815572
4 TDM (rehepapp)7322282201127320015270
5 TDM (NnewOne)52415223381851339452
6 TDM (fearZZz)5301422131313810614435
7 TDM (ka5ta)517135192101571289848
8 TDM (Gohan)524113133101251359633
9 TDM (ta1kun)314921427847210311
10 TDM (insan3)3889120445935315
11 TDM (Centinela)3173886551754831
12 TDM (kenny)24396216565596
13 TDM (x1ks)2--4477333573318
14 TDM (YegorB)227045226473116
15 TDM (pecka)2112960424494816
16 TDM (ahxnxa)232769325322019
1 TDM (Mastermind)88,132,438,02,934,939,428,614,1
2 TDM (Wood27)84,038,153,22,926,531,917,913,6
3 TDM (gienek)83,531,851,22,035,533,519,49,0
4 TDM (rehepapp)74,632,631,41,639,028,621,710,0
5 TDM (NnewOne)54,830,446,61,637,026,618,810,4
6 TDM (fearZZz)56,028,442,62,627,621,228,87,0
7 TDM (ka5ta)53,427,038,42,031,425,619,69,6
8 TDM (Gohan)54,822,626,62,025,027,019,26,6
9 TDM (ta1kun)34,730,747,32,328,024,034,33,7
10 TDM (insan3)32,729,740,01,315,031,017,75,0
11 TDM (Centinela)35,712,728,71,717,025,016,010,3
12 TDM (kenny)22,019,531,00,532,532,529,53,0
13 TDM (x1ks)2--22,038,51,516,528,516,59,0
14 TDM (YegorB)21,035,022,51,013,023,515,58,0
15 TDM (pecka)25,514,530,02,012,024,524,08,0
16 TDM (ahxnxa)21,513,534,51,512,516,010,09,5

Players (advanced)

Points and statisticsPoints and statistics (average)FragsFrags (average)

1 gienek 8 475 491 319 172 75613 55447 20166 54 13 54
2 Mastermind 8 456 473 444 29 71893 63047 8846 42 21 79
3 MatoD 8 397 411 386 25 67121 59620 7501 33 9 50
4 stripy 8 392 410 356 54 67874 59383 8491 29 14 81
5 URAZ 8 388 402 311 91 64292 49928 14364 38 1 17
6 Realf1re 8 370 385 422 -37 57736 61681 -3945 29 13 14
7 zxcv 8 367 379 304 75 54827 55667 -840 29 17 15
8 Wood27 8 363 373 373 0 63433 57642 5791 24 6 23
9 rehepapp 7 350 362 306 56 58505 49754 8751 46 2 9
10 corvu 8 328 338 410 -72 57214 58470 -1256 21 4 14
11 fearZZz 5 327 334 199 135 51579 34772 16807 27 15 42
12 lici 8 317 328 398 -70 51172 56116 -4944 25 13 21
13 lethiferous 8 308 323 275 48 51645 47005 4640 34 10 34
14 monsanto 7 283 295 296 -1 44270 42480 1790 21 8 38
15 Damien7 7 275 284 284 0 49209 44550 4659 14 18 51
16 Gauldoth 8 260 275 326 -51 38800 44299 -5499 25 4 20
17 LuKeLawlz 5 251 256 200 56 38661 34973 3688 28 4 11
18 NnewOne 5 249 252 179 73 36754 30981 5773 34 1 11
19 vasnur 5 244 252 199 53 37736 34702 3034 25 15 30
20 quad 7 230 245 287 -42 35631 43429 -7798 15 4 19
21 Gohan 5 222 230 179 51 35448 29021 6427 17 4 27
22 SashaGrey 5 215 222 235 -13 32415 34919 -2504 16 6 16
23 ka5ta 5 211 215 185 30 34700 30393 4307 16 4 29
24 IZMEYI 5 199 205 193 12 35008 32119 2889 17 2 36
25 CraSh 5 193 203 234 -31 34004 33311 693 12 12 41
26 ta1kun 3 162 165 117 48 26563 20628 5935 7 2 27
27 TNZ 5 159 161 231 -70 30343 33692 -3349 6 2 33
28 Skathi 5 153 156 238 -82 27541 35821 -8280 4 2 11
29 mureau 5 152 161 191 -30 27617 29697 -2080 8 9 15
30 AdoreSP 5 150 153 198 -45 25314 29819 -4505 12 7 8
31 Insan3 3 142 149 128 21 24798 22009 2789 10 1 12
32 Anhedonic 5 135 140 177 -37 23960 26433 -2473 5 4 5
33 yojikiztumana 5 131 138 173 -35 25759 27842 -2083 5 7 16
34 Karby 3 131 135 144 -9 20500 22023 -1523 8 10 9
35 Xron 3 127 132 137 -5 23589 19931 3658 4 1 46
36 fisHs 3 118 123 117 6 18329 18889 -560 10 4 12
37 kenny 2 113 115 59 56 15909 11703 4206 11 0 18
38 nYshak 3 104 107 96 11 15125 16859 -1734 4 0 8
39 Centinela 3 102 109 117 -8 20325 18857 1468 7 8 11
40 x1ks 2 89 91 86 5 15420 13714 1706 8 0 13
41 kYzeR 3 87 90 127 -37 17016 19250 -2234 3 2 13
42 aSH 2 79 82 96 -14 15489 15091 398 9 0 25
43 pecka 2 78 85 86 -1 14589 13329 1260 7 2 7
44 YegorB 2 73 75 76 -1 12538 11825 713 4 1 6
45 VinuJ 5 73 79 236 -157 14287 34735 -20448 0 1 0
46 tr1x0 2 72 79 83 -4 12843 13576 -733 2 0 8
47 Drayan 2 72 75 74 1 11257 10715 542 6 5 16
48 Moogen 2 69 72 125 -53 12952 16907 -3955 4 2 1
49 ujio13 3 68 73 119 -46 16085 17757 -1672 2 5 10
50 keenum 3 62 65 121 -56 13163 17642 -4479 2 1 2
51 Monothought 3 58 62 97 -35 10682 14625 -3943 0 4 11
52 JunkZ 2 57 58 93 -35 11569 13847 -2278 2 0 2
53 Hanzo 2 55 60 71 -11 10459 11531 -1072 2 0 4
54 rell 2 55 58 65 -7 10407 10108 299 5 0 17
55 mst 2 55 59 86 -27 9799 11193 -1394 5 1 1
56 Eteto 2 50 51 73 -22 11697 11068 629 2 0 7
57 Ic3 2 47 52 106 -54 9963 14884 -4921 5 1 2
58 HPlive 2 45 49 93 -44 8544 11437 -2893 4 0 0
59 ahxnxa 2 44 45 73 -28 7534 10933 -3399 4 3 2
60 pulex 2 43 46 85 -39 8857 12045 -3188 3 2 3
61 whodares 1 41 42 59 -17 6076 8330 -2254 4 0 1
62 duk1e 2 39 42 87 -45 8197 13326 -5129 1 0 2
63 24 2 36 37 83 -46 7431 13047 -5616 2 0 3
64 dan5 2 34 35 64 -29 7069 9422 -2353 2 2 12
65 sqetchie 2 28 32 117 -85 8342 15398 -7056 0 2 3
1 gienek 8 59,4 61,4 39,9 21,5 9451,6 6930,9 2520,8 6,8 1,6 6,8
2 Mastermind 8 57,0 59,1 55,5 3,6 8986,6 7880,9 1105,8 5,2 2,6 9,9
3 MatoD 8 49,6 51,4 48,2 3,1 8390,1 7452,5 937,6 4,1 1,1 6,2
4 stripy 8 49,0 51,2 44,5 6,8 8484,2 7422,9 1061,4 3,6 1,8 10,1
5 URAZ 8 48,5 50,2 38,9 11,4 8036,5 6241,0 1795,5 4,8 0,1 2,1
6 Realf1re 8 46,2 48,1 52,8 -4,6 7217,0 7710,1 -493,1 3,6 1,6 1,8
7 zxcv 8 45,9 47,4 38,0 9,4 6853,4 6958,4 -105,0 3,6 2,1 1,9
8 Wood27 8 45,4 46,6 46,6 0,0 7929,1 7205,2 723,9 3,0 0,8 2,9
9 rehepapp 7 50,0 51,7 43,7 8,0 8357,9 7107,7 1250,1 6,6 0,3 1,3
10 corvu 8 41,0 42,2 51,2 -9,0 7151,8 7308,8 -157,0 2,6 0,5 1,8
11 fearZZz 5 65,4 66,8 39,8 27,0 10315,8 6954,4 3361,4 5,4 3,0 8,4
12 lici 8 39,6 41,0 49,8 -8,8 6396,5 7014,5 -618,0 3,1 1,6 2,6
13 lethiferous 8 38,5 40,4 34,4 6,0 6455,6 5875,6 580,0 4,2 1,2 4,2
14 monsanto 7 40,4 42,1 42,3 -0,1 6324,3 6068,6 255,7 3,0 1,1 5,4
15 Damien7 7 39,3 40,6 40,6 0,0 7029,9 6364,3 665,6 2,0 2,6 7,3
16 Gauldoth 8 32,5 34,4 40,8 -6,4 4850,0 5537,4 -687,4 3,1 0,5 2,5
17 LuKeLawlz 5 50,2 51,2 40,0 11,2 7732,2 6994,6 737,6 5,6 0,8 2,2
18 NnewOne 5 49,8 50,4 35,8 14,6 7350,8 6196,2 1154,6 6,8 0,2 2,2
19 vasnur 5 48,8 50,4 39,8 10,6 7547,2 6940,4 606,8 5,0 3,0 6,0
20 quad 7 32,9 35,0 41,0 -6,0 5090,1 6204,1 -1114,0 2,1 0,6 2,7
21 Gohan 5 44,4 46,0 35,8 10,2 7089,6 5804,2 1285,4 3,4 0,8 5,4
22 SashaGrey 5 43,0 44,4 47,0 -2,6 6483,0 6983,8 -500,8 3,2 1,2 3,2
23 ka5ta 5 42,2 43,0 37,0 6,0 6940,0 6078,6 861,4 3,2 0,8 5,8
24 IZMEYI 5 39,8 41,0 38,6 2,4 7001,6 6423,8 577,8 3,4 0,4 7,2
25 CraSh 5 38,6 40,6 46,8 -6,2 6800,8 6662,2 138,6 2,4 2,4 8,2
26 ta1kun 3 54,0 55,0 39,0 16,0 8854,3 6876,0 1978,3 2,3 0,7 9,0
27 TNZ 5 31,8 32,2 46,2 -14,0 6068,6 6738,4 -669,8 1,2 0,4 6,6
28 Skathi 5 30,6 31,2 47,6 -16,4 5508,2 7164,2 -1656,0 0,8 0,4 2,2
29 mureau 5 30,4 32,2 38,2 -6,0 5523,4 5939,4 -416,0 1,6 1,8 3,0
30 AdoreSP 5 30,0 30,6 39,6 -9,0 5062,8 5963,8 -901,0 2,4 1,4 1,6
31 Insan3 3 47,3 49,7 42,7 7,0 8266,0 7336,3 929,7 3,3 0,3 4,0
32 Anhedonic 5 27,0 28,0 35,4 -7,4 4792,0 5286,6 -494,6 1,0 0,8 1,0
33 yojikiztumana 5 26,2 27,6 34,6 -7,0 5151,8 5568,4 -416,6 1,0 1,4 3,2
34 Karby 3 43,7 45,0 48,0 -3,0 6833,3 7341,0 -507,7 2,7 3,3 3,0
35 Xron 3 42,3 44,0 45,7 -1,7 7863,0 6643,7 1219,3 1,3 0,3 15,3
36 fisHs 3 39,3 41,0 39,0 2,0 6109,7 6296,3 -186,7 3,3 1,3 4,0
37 kenny 2 56,5 57,5 29,5 28,0 7954,5 5851,5 2103,0 5,5 0,0 9,0
38 nYshak 3 34,7 35,7 32,0 3,7 5041,7 5619,7 -578,0 1,3 0,0 2,7
39 Centinela 3 34,0 36,3 39,0 -2,7 6775,0 6285,7 489,3 2,3 2,7 3,7
40 x1ks 2 44,5 45,5 43,0 2,5 7710,0 6857,0 853,0 4,0 0,0 6,5
41 kYzeR 3 29,0 30,0 42,3 -12,3 5672,0 6416,7 -744,7 1,0 0,7 4,3
42 aSH 2 39,5 41,0 48,0 -7,0 7744,5 7545,5 199,0 4,5 0,0 12,5
43 pecka 2 39,0 42,5 43,0 -0,5 7294,5 6664,5 630,0 3,5 1,0 3,5
44 YegorB 2 36,5 37,5 38,0 -0,5 6269,0 5912,5 356,5 2,0 0,5 3,0
45 VinuJ 5 14,6 15,8 47,2 -31,4 2857,4 6947,0 -4089,6 0,0 0,2 0,0
46 tr1x0 2 36,0 39,5 41,5 -2,0 6421,5 6788,0 -366,5 1,0 0,0 4,0
47 Drayan 2 36,0 37,5 37,0 0,5 5628,5 5357,5 271,0 3,0 2,5 8,0
48 Moogen 2 34,5 36,0 62,5 -26,5 6476,0 8453,5 -1977,5 2,0 1,0 0,5
49 ujio13 3 22,7 24,3 39,7 -15,3 5361,7 5919,0 -557,3 0,7 1,7 3,3
50 keenum 3 20,7 21,7 40,3 -18,7 4387,7 5880,7 -1493,0 0,7 0,3 0,7
51 Monothought 3 19,3 20,7 32,3 -11,7 3560,7 4875,0 -1314,3 0,0 1,3 3,7
52 JunkZ 2 28,5 29,0 46,5 -17,5 5784,5 6923,5 -1139,0 1,0 0,0 1,0
53 Hanzo 2 27,5 30,0 35,5 -5,5 5229,5 5765,5 -536,0 1,0 0,0 2,0
54 rell 2 27,5 29,0 32,5 -3,5 5203,5 5054,0 149,5 2,5 0,0 8,5
55 mst 2 27,5 29,5 43,0 -13,5 4899,5 5596,5 -697,0 2,5 0,5 0,5
56 Eteto 2 25,0 25,5 36,5 -11,0 5848,5 5534,0 314,5 1,0 0,0 3,5
57 Ic3 2 23,5 26,0 53,0 -27,0 4981,5 7442,0 -2460,5 2,5 0,5 1,0
58 HPlive 2 22,5 24,5 46,5 -22,0 4272,0 5718,5 -1446,5 2,0 0,0 0,0
59 ahxnxa 2 22,0 22,5 36,5 -14,0 3767,0 5466,5 -1699,5 2,0 1,5 1,0
60 pulex 2 21,5 23,0 42,5 -19,5 4428,5 6022,5 -1594,0 1,5 1,0 1,5
61 whodares 1 41,0 42,0 59,0 -17,0 6076,0 8330,0 -2254,0 4,0 0,0 1,0
62 duk1e 2 19,5 21,0 43,5 -22,5 4098,5 6663,0 -2564,5 0,5 0,0 1,0
63 24 2 18,0 18,5 41,5 -23,0 3715,5 6523,5 -2808,0 1,0 0,0 1,5
64 dan5 2 17,0 17,5 32,0 -14,5 3534,5 4711,0 -1176,5 1,0 1,0 6,0
65 sqetchie 2 14,0 16,0 58,5 -42,5 4171,0 7699,0 -3528,0 0,0 1,0 1,5
1 gienek813951075100806325
2 Mastermind821938510521019119
3 MatoD8964901142916240
4 stripy8147192943708922
5 URAZ8167922115882017
6 Realf1re81376132643673117
7 zxcv81733393150652150
8 Wood278676109459543431
9 rehepapp726350217441921
10 corvu848995268431621
11 fearZZz51553114--6043418
12 lici8136288134792822
13 lethiferous8103613733950426
14 monsanto78626761770569
15 Damien77185158241455910
16 Gauldoth845674630503024
17 LuKeLawlz544554374481612
18 NnewOne5124551108301914
19 vasnur5153359643483215
20 quad745245141442830
21 Gohan542742559354513
22 SashaGrey566164--22312810
23 ka5ta542749544343517
24 IZMEYI524041141234611
25 CraSh512304192027559
26 ta1kun322441--3721372
27 TNZ52275118233910
28 Skathi523455112241513
29 mureau59273722831198
30 AdoreSP5736381312389
31 Insan331414821923132
32 Anhedonic543828194695
33 yojikiztumana57212622923237
34 Karby310244511623106
35 Xron3126226818492
36 fisHs34233428251710
37 kenny2--72614015233
38 nYshak3--1429--1529128
39 Centinela381218123241310
40 x1ks2--2125--819126
41 kYzeR321212--1527211
42 aSH2--1115--1416251
43 pecka2213221161678
44 YegorB211912--199103
45 VinuJ5119173171327
46 tr1x02--1130--1410131
47 Drayan258183513203
48 Moogen221817--101861
49 ujio13356202715144
50 keenum311326--31822
51 Monothought3461926799
52 JunkZ2--6181101436
53 Hanzo2--623--11767
54 rell2--1214--26213
55 mst212481517--3
56 Eteto2--713271471
57 Ic3211115--101041
58 HPlive2--15111--15--7
59 ahxnxa2351812439
60 pulex22713----1554
61 whodares1--719--13--3--
62 duk1e2--915--5742
63 242--64211455
64 dan52217--35161
65 sqetchie2234--11651
1 gienek81,611,913,40,612,510,07,93,1
2 Mastermind82,611,610,61,26,512,611,42,4
3 MatoD81,18,011,21,45,211,47,85,0
4 stripy81,88,911,51,15,48,811,12,8
5 URAZ80,18,411,50,214,411,02,52,1
6 Realf1re81,69,516,50,85,48,43,92,1
7 zxcv82,14,14,90,418,88,12,66,2
8 Wood2780,89,513,60,57,46,84,23,9
9 rehepapp70,39,07,10,324,95,91,33,0
10 corvu80,511,111,90,28,55,42,02,6
11 fearZZz53,010,622,8--12,08,68,21,6
12 lici81,67,811,00,14,29,93,52,8
13 lethiferous81,24,517,10,44,96,25,20,8
14 monsanto71,18,99,60,92,410,08,01,3
15 Damien772,67,38,30,35,96,48,41,4
16 Gauldoth80,57,09,20,83,86,23,83,0
17 LuKeLawlz50,89,010,80,614,89,63,22,4
18 NnewOne50,24,811,00,221,66,03,82,8
19 vasnur53,06,611,81,28,69,66,43,0
20 quad70,67,46,40,15,96,34,04,3
21 Gohan50,85,48,41,011,87,09,02,6
22 SashaGrey51,212,212,8--4,46,25,62,0
23 ka5ta50,85,49,81,08,86,87,03,4
24 IZMEYI50,48,08,20,28,24,69,22,2
25 CraSh52,46,08,21,84,05,411,01,8
26 ta1kun30,78,013,7--12,37,012,30,7
27 TNZ50,45,410,20,21,64,67,82,0
28 Skathi50,46,811,00,22,44,83,02,6
29 mureau51,85,47,40,45,66,23,81,6
30 AdoreSP51,47,27,60,26,24,61,61,8
31 Insan330,313,716,00,76,37,74,30,7
32 Anhedonic50,87,65,60,21,89,21,81,0
33 yojikiztumana51,44,25,20,45,84,64,61,4
34 Karby33,38,015,00,35,37,73,32,0
35 Xron30,38,77,32,02,76,016,30,7
36 fisHs31,37,711,30,72,78,35,73,3
37 kenny2--3,513,00,520,07,511,51,5
38 nYshak3--4,79,7--5,09,74,02,7
39 Centinela32,74,06,00,37,78,04,33,3
40 x1ks2--10,512,5--4,09,56,03,0
41 kYzeR30,74,04,0--5,09,07,00,3
42 aSH2--5,57,5--7,08,012,50,5
43 pecka21,06,511,00,58,08,03,54,0
44 YegorB20,59,56,0--9,54,55,01,5
45 VinuJ50,23,83,40,63,42,60,41,4
46 tr1x02--5,515,0--7,05,06,50,5
47 Drayan22,54,09,01,52,56,510,01,5
48 Moogen21,09,08,5--5,09,03,00,5
49 ujio1331,72,06,70,72,35,04,71,3
50 keenum30,34,38,7--1,06,00,70,7
51 Monothought31,32,06,30,72,02,33,03,0
52 JunkZ2--3,09,00,55,07,01,53,0
53 Hanzo2--3,011,5--5,53,53,03,5
54 rell2--6,07,0--1,03,010,51,5
55 mst20,512,04,00,52,58,5--1,5
56 Eteto2--3,56,51,03,57,03,50,5
57 Ic320,55,57,5--5,05,02,00,5
58 HPlive2--7,55,50,5--7,5--3,5
59 ahxnxa21,52,59,00,51,02,01,54,5
60 pulex21,03,56,5----7,52,52,0
61 whodares1--7,019,0--13,0--3,0--
62 duk1e2--4,57,5--2,53,52,01,0
63 242--3,02,01,00,57,02,52,5
64 dan521,00,53,5--1,52,58,00,5
65 sqetchie21,01,52,0--0,58,02,50,5


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