
New functionality

16 March 2012, 16:46


1 comment


ID: 2

A week has passed since the start of the open alpha. I am pleasantly surprised that my project has met with great interest, the site was visited by almost 700 unique users. While reading comments on the ESR I have noticed that the site was positively adopted, which only spurred me to further work.

Today I have finished a few things that I was working on for the last week. The most important is the search function which is now available for the whole website (wherever the search option is available of course).

[/ex] [ex="The things which I will focus on in the near future

I have also fixed many errors invisible for the end user, increasing efficiency, safety and the speed of the page. If anyone noticed an error, please contact me (preferably in IRC).

After completing the tasks listed above I will (hopefully) start adding further content to the "Coverage" section (mainly tournaments). I am looking for people who want to help me in adding tournaments to the page. I will provide needed data from my source or your source. You will just need to prepare special CSV files, so I can easily import them into the database.

Source: none



25 April 2012, 0:33



About new functionalities, can I have a cockpuncher function included where u have to putin or putout?

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